Jonny was born and raised in the United States, he is now a human
performance specialist living in Sydney, Australia. Jonny holds a
B.S in Sports Psychology combined with a Postgraduate Masters in
Leadership and Personal Development. He runs his popular "Jonny
Stofko Coaching'' business from his gym in Sydney where his clients
learn first hand the fundamentals behind functional strength
training along with western boxing. Jonny has been the host of
multiple successful podcasts since 2015, most recently being the
voice behind the popular iTunes and Spotify podcast called
"UNGOOGLEABLE" which he's been running since 2018.
In 2019, Jonny became a first time published author with the
release of his first published work titled Ungoogleable: The
Success Secrets of Modern Day Giants. This book tells 11 different
stories from interviews that Jonny had recorded with experts from
all over the world, featuring an impressive guest list including
world champions, entrepreneurs and best selling authors. Jonny has
also recently completed filming and writing his first full feature
documentary called "How The F$%k Did I Get Here?"
"Such a straightforward approach to a topic now so confusing for so many. Great read to bring things back into perspective..." Travis, Indie Book reviewer (NT)
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