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Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence


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Table of Contents

Preface to the Third Edition.

PART I: Introduction to the Assessment of Adolescent and Adult Intelligence.

CHAPTER 1: IQ Tests: Their History, Use, Validity, and Intelligent Interpretation.

CHAPTER 2: Heritability and Malleability of IQ and Attacks on the IQ Construct.

CHAPTER 3: From the Wechsler-Bellevue I to the WAIS-III.

PART II: Individual Differences on Age, Socioeconomic Status, and Other Key Variables.

CHAPTER 4: Individual Differences for Adolescents and Adults on Gender, Ethnicity, Urban–Rural Residence, and Socioeconomic Status.

CHAPTER 5: Age and Intelligence across the Adult Life Span.

PART III: Integration and Application of WAIS-III Research.

CHAPTER 6: Research on Administration, Scoring, and Relationships between Wechsler Scales.

CHAPTER 7: Factor Analysis of the WAIS-III.

CHAPTER 8: Verbal–Performance IQ Discrepancies: A Neuropsychological Approach.

CHAPTER 9: Verbal–Performance IQ Discrepancies:  A Clinical Approach.

PART IV: Interpretation of the WAIS-III Profile: IQs, Factor Indexes, and Subtest Scaled Scores.

CHAPTER 10: Profile Interpretation: What the Subtests Measure.

CHAPTER 11: WAIS-III Profile Interpretation: Steps 1–7.

CHAPTER 12: WAIS-III Profile Interpretation: Steps 8 and 9.

PART V: Additional Measures of Adolescent and Adult IQ.

CHAPTER 13: Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT).

CHAPTER 14: Woodcock-Johnson Battery—Third Edition (WJ III) 561

CHAPTER 15: Brief Tests of Intelligence and Related Abilities 629

APPENDIX A: Alternative Approach to Interpreting the WAIS-III: Applying the Theory-Based Flanagan-Kaufman Interpretive Method for the WISC-IV.

APPENDIX B: WAIS-III Interpretive Worksheet.

APPENDIX C: Norm Tables for Computing Standard Scores on the General Ability Index (GAI) and the Clinical Clusters.

APPENDIX D: Watkins and Canivez’s Critique of the Kaufman-Lichtenberger Interpretive System and Articulation of a New Theory-Based Approach to Profile Interpretation.


Name Index.

Subject Index.

About the Author

ALAN S. KAUFMAN, PhD, is Clinical Professor of Psychology at Yale University School of Medicine and resides in San Diego, California. He is the author or coauthor of numerous, widely used psychological assessment instruments and books, and is a series editor (with Nadeen Kaufman) of the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series (Wiley). He and Elizabeth Lichtenberger have collaborated on a number of books, including Essentials of WAIS®-III Assessments. His most recent tests include the second editions of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II), Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA-II), and Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT-2).

ELIZABETH O. LICHTENBERGER, PhD, is a clinical psychologist residing in Carlsbad, California. She has coauthored numerous books, including Essentials of Assessment Report Writing (with Nancy Mather, Nadeen Kaufman, and Alan Kaufman), Essentials of KABC-II Assessment (with Alan Kaufman, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, and Nadeen Kaufman), and Essentials of WIAT-II® and KTEA-II Assessment (with Donna Smith), all from Wiley.

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