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Beyond Powerful Radio


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Table of Contents

Foreword by Tom Taylor (http://beyondpowerfulradio.com/foreward.pdf)


Creating Powerful Communicator-Quick Start Pages

Part I Tools: Creating Content for Any Platform

1 Creating Powerful Content-No Longer "Just Radio"

2 Are You a Generator or a Reactor?

3 Personality Radio and Morning Shows

4 From Rock to Talk (For Anyone Who Wants to Do a Talk Show!)

5 Local vs. National Programming

6 Performance and Formatics

7 Finding and Developing Talent

8 Airchecking

9 Managing High-Ego Talent

10 Avoiding Burnout

11 Show Prep

12 Producers

13 Radio Talk Shows

14 Call Screening

15 Interview Techniques-for Journalists, Talk Hosts and Music Personalities

16 Public Service

Part II Storytelling and Voice

17 Becoming a Powerful Storyteller

18 Your Voice-Improving Your Instrument

Part III News

19 Creating Powerful News

20 In Case of Emergency

21 Citizen Journalism

22 Traffic and Weather Together

23 Newswriting

24 News Anchoring

25 Multi-version News

26 Integrating News and Talk for Radio, TV and the Web

27 Integrating Radio and TV News

Part IV Working Across Multi-Platforms

28 Audio Communication Across Multiple Delivery Platforms: Broadcasting, Streaming, Video, Social Media, Podcasting, and Beyond...

Part V Marketing Content

29 Promotion

30 Branding-Building The Brand Beyond Radio

Part VI Making Money

31 Sales and Commercials

32 Fundraising and Giving

Part VII Understanding the Audience

33 LifeStage Demographics

34 Research

Part VIII Final Notes

35 Final Notes


About the Author

Internationally acclaimed broadcast consultant Valerie Geller works with top stations and broadcast groups throughout the world, leading "Creating Powerful Radio" workshops and coaching programmers, on-air personalities, journalists and managers learn techniques to strengthen the programming and grow audiences. Since 1991, she has worked with more than 500 stations in 30 countries to enhance programming in radio, television, podcasting, streaming and new media. Named by Radio Ink magazine as one of the 50 Most Influential Women in Radio, Valerie's contribution to the industry was also recognized by the Conclave's 2010 Rockwell Award. A broadcast veteran with more than 30 years experience, Geller programmed WABC in New York, served as news director at K101 in San Francisco, helped set up the talk programming at KFI in Los Angeles and has held various management, news and on-air positions at several major market U.S. stations and served on the broadcast board of the Associated Press and the Radio & TV News Directors Association. Geller has also guest lectured at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism and New York University in New York City. As a seminar leader, keynoter or conference speaker, Valerie Geller has presented at the (NAB) National Association of Broadcasters, (RTNDA) Radio & TV News Directors Association, The Conclave Learning Conference, (PRPD) the Public Radio Program Directors Association, The (RAB) Radio Advertising Bureau, Radio & Records Talk Radio Seminar, and (APTRA) The Associated Press TV and Radio Association, (BEA) Broadcast Educator's Association, (IBS) Intercollegiate Broadcasting System conference and (NBS) National Broadcasting Society Conference USA state broadcast association presentations and workshops include: Arkansas, New Mexico, Illinois, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Ohio, Kansas, South Carolina and Vermont. Geller has also presented at the 37th Annual (CRS) Country Radio Broadcasters Seminar, (NRBA) National Religious Broadcasters Association, (GMA) The Gospel Music Association conference, (CAB) The Canadian Association of Broadcasters, (CMW) Canadian Music Week, and RTNDA Canada. In Europe, she has keynoted conferences, or presented workshops for the Swedish Radio Academy, the British Radio Academy, (RCS) Radio Conference of Poland, Norway's Radio Days, Danmark's Radio Days, The (EBU) European Broadcasters Union, The EGTA, The Median Forum in Cologne, The European NAB (Prague, Paris, Athens), at various universities and the International Radio Symposium in Montreux and more.


"If you have the desire for the work, this account will give the methods and professional standards that help succeed, wherever you are in your broadcast career, whatever your skills level, whether you broadcasting online or on air. This book will help you to develop strong personalities, create exciting internet content, write & present compelling news, become a powerful storyteller, build original programming, strengthen your interviews, show prep and air check effectively, work in multiple platforms, cover news emergencies, and much more. You will find there a Quick Start guide, the handy reminders, the proven principles of powerful radio, which are the core of the author's work. Valerie Geller is internationally acclaimed broadcast consultant and talent coach, she works with top stations and individuals."--NeoPopRealism Journal "Valerie Geller has just saved me hours of time, maybe even days. People who are interested in launching a career in talk radio frequently approach me for advice and insight. This is flattering and I'm always honored and happy to help.From now on I can share a few keen insights and conclude with, "and before you do anything else, get a copy of Beyond Powerful Radio by Valerie Geller." Done and done! It's tempting to call Beyond Powerful Radio the bible of personality radio, but that's not quite accurate. It's more like The Boy Scout Handbook of personality radio, a practical guide with specific techniques for creating effective radio and managing a personality-driven radio station. While Beyond covers the waterfront, from hiring to voice technique to air checking to emergency broadcasting to promotion to sales to websites to research, the book is at its best when it's focused on Geller's real passion: Helping personalities create emotionally resonant spoken-word radio. At the core of the veteran consultant's philosophy is the importance of storytelling and her three cornerstone tenets: "Tell the Truth, Make it Matter and Never be Boring."--Radio-Info.com "Based on the successful books, 'Creating Powerful Radio' and "The Powerful Radio Workbook," this combined edition provides even more methods for preparing and delivering powerful radio content. Valerie Geller explains the techniques of producing and presenting information, storytelling, news,talk and personality radio. New material is provided on: show prep, interview techniques, news, integrating radio and television, promotion and airchecking techniques."--Radiomagonline.com

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