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Eating Disorders and Obesity


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Table of Contents

I. Foundation
Basic Regulation of Eating and Body Weight
1. Central Physiological Determinants of Eating and Body Weight, Sarah F. Leibowitz
2. Peripheral Physiological Determinants of Eating and Body Weight, Gerard P. Smith and James Gibbs
3. Genetic Influences on Body Weight, Claude Bouchard
4. Constitutional Thinness and Resistance to Obesity, Cynthia M. Bulik and David B. Allison
5. The Molecular Genetics of Body Weight Regulation, Rudolph L. Leibel
6. Leptin and Body Weight Regulation, L. Arthur Campfield
7. Energy Intake and Body Weight, Susan A. Jebb
8. A Psychobiological System Approach to Appetite and Weight Control, John E. Blundell
9. Taste, Taste Preferences, and Body Weight, Adam Drewnowski
10. Energy Expenditure and Body Weight, Eric Ravussin
11. Body Composition, Timothy G. Lohman
12. The Nature of the Regulation of Energy Balance, James O. Hill
Psychological and Social Factors, Dieting, and Body Image
13. Acquisition of Food Preferences and Eating Patterns in Children, Leann L. Birch
14. Prevalence and Demographics of Dieting, Andrew J. Hill
15. Experimental Studies of Dieting, Janet Polivy and C. Peter Herman
16. Dietary Restraint and Overeating, Michael R. Lowe
17. The Controversy over Dieting, G. Terence Wilson
18. The Psychology of Binge Eating, Glenn Waller
19. Sociocultural Influences on Body Image and Eating Disturbance, Eric Stice
20. Stigma, Discrimination, and Obesity, Rebecca Puhl and Kelly D. Brownell
21. Body Image and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Katharine A. Phillips
Measurement Methods
22. Measurement of Total Body Energy Stores, Steven B. Heymsfield and Stanley Heshka
23. Measurement of Food Intake, Sachiko T. St. Jeor
24. Measurement of Energy Expenditure, Andrew M. Prentice
25. Measurement of Physical Activity, James F. Sallis and Marion F. Zabinski
26. Measurement of Eating Disorder Psychopathology, David M. Garner
II. Eating Disorders
Clinical Characteristics of Eating Disorders
27. History of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Walter Vandereycken
28. Classification and Diagnosis of Eating Disorders, Paul E. Garfinkel
29. Clinical Presentation of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Pierre J. V. Beumont
30. Atypical Eating Disorders (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified), Christopher G. Fairburn and B. Timothy Walsh
31. Binge Eating Disorder, Carlos M. Grilo
32. Night Eating Syndrome, Albert J. Stunkard
33. Eating Disorders in Males, Arnold E. Andersen
34. Anxiety, Depression, and Eating Disorders, Cynthia M. Bulik
35. Eating Disorders and Addictive Disorders, G. Terence Wilson
36. Personality and Eating Disorders, Stephen A. Wonderlich
37. Childhood Onset Eating Disorders, Rachel Bryant Waugh and Bryan Lask
38. Families of Patients with Eating Disorders, Walter Vandereycken
39. Eating Disorders and Childrearing, Alan Stein
40. Course and Outcome of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Patrick F. Sullivan
Epidemiology and Etiology of Eating Disorders
41. Distribution of Eating Disorders, Hans Wijbrand Hoek
42. Genetic Epidemiology of Eating Disorders, Michael Strober and Cynthia M. Bulik
43. Molecular Genetics of Eating Disorders, David A. Collier
44. Risk Factors for Eating Disorders, Ulrike Schmidt
45. Gender, Ethnicity, and Eating Disorders, Ruth H. Striegel Moore and Linda Smolak
46. Sport, Occupation, and Eating Disorders, Susan M. Byrne
47. Cross Cultural Perspectives on Eating Disorders, Sing Lee and Melanie A. Katzman
Medical and Physical Aspects of Eating Disorders
48. Physiology of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Katherine A. Halmi
49. Central Nervous System Neurotransmitter Activity in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Walter H. Kaye
50. Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Claire Pomeroy and James E. Mitchell
51. Eating Disorders in Diabetes Mellitus, Gary M. Rodin
Treatment and Prevention of Eating Disorders
52. Eating Disorder Services, Allan S. Kaplan
53. Clinical Assessment of Patients with Eating Disorders, Robert L. Palmer
54. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa, Christopher G. Fairburn
55. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa, Kelly Bemis Vitousek
56. Family Therapy and Eating Disorders, Christopher Dare and Ivan Eisler
57. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders, Christopher G. Fairburn
58. Pharmacological Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, B. Timothy Walsh
59. Day Hospital Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Marion P. Olmsted
60. Inpatient Treatment and Medical Management of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, D. Blake Woodside
61. Compulsory Treatment in the Management of Eating Disorders, Janet Treasure
62. Management of Patients with Intractable Eating Disorders, Joel Yager
63. Psychological Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder, Denise E. Wilfley
64. Pharmacological Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder, Michael J. Devlin
65. Self Help Books in the Treatment of Eating Disorders, Jacqueline C. Carter
66. Eating Disorders and the Internet, Roz Shafran
67. Prevention of Eating Disorders, Niva Piran
III. Obesity
Clinical Characteristics of Obesity
68. Definition and Classification of Obesity, Per Björntorp
69. A Brief History of Obesity, George A. Bray
70. Obesity and Quality of Life, Jacob C. Seidell and Marja A. R. Tijhuis
71. Psychological Consequences of Obesity, Michael A. Friedman and Kelly D. Brownell
72. Obesity and Body Image, James C. Rosen
73. Binge Eating in Obese Persons, Susan Z. Yanovski
Epidemiology, Etiology, and Course of Obesity
74. A World View of the Obesity Problem, W. Philip T. James
75. Prevalence and Demographics of Obesity, Rodolfo Valdez and David F. Williamson
76. Epidemiology of Health Risks Associated with Obesity, JoAnn E. Manson, Patrick J. Skerrett, and Walter C. Willett
77. Epidemiology and Causes of Obesity in Children, Denise E. Wilfley and Brian E. Saelens
78. The Environment and Obesity, Kelly D. Brownell
79. Obesity in Minority Populations, Shiriki K. Kumanyika
80. Pregnancy and Weight Gain, Stephan Rössner
81. Age and Obesity, Reubin Andres
82. The Health Economics of Obesity and Weight Loss, Anne M. Wolf
83. An Overview of the Etiology of Obesity, James O. Hill
Medical Aspects of Obesity and Weight Loss
84. Medical Complications of Obesity in Adults, F. Xavier Pi Sunyer
85. Medical Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents, William H. Dietz
86. The Metabolic Syndrome, Jean Pierre Després
87. Weight Loss and Risk Factors, George L. Blackburn
88. Effects of Weight Loss on Morbidity and Mortality, Rodolfo Valdez, Edward W. Gregg, and David F. Williamson
89. Metabolic Effects of Exercise in Overweight Individuals, Wim H. M. Saris
90. Social and Psychological Effects of Weight Loss, Gary D. Foster and Thomas A. Wadden
Treatment and Prevention of Obesity
91. Goals of Obesity Treatment, Kelly D. Brownell and Albert J. Stunkard
92. Clinical Assessment of Obese Patients, Roland L. Weinsier and Robert F. Kushner
93. Exercise in the Management of Obesity, Steven N. Blair and Scott Holder
94. Behavioral Treatment for Obesity, G. Terence Wilson and Kelly D. Brownell
95. Meal Replacements in the Treatment of Obesity, David Heber
96. Very-Low-Calorie Diets, Thomas A. Wadden and Robert I. Berkowitz
97. Popular Diets, Johanna Dwyer and Kathleen Melanson
98. Commercial and Self-Help Weight Loss Programs, Leslie G. Womble and Thomas A. Wadden
99. Current Pharmacological Treatments for Obesity, Louis J. Aronne
100. Pharmacological Treatments on the Horizon, Stanley Heshka and Steven B. Heymsfield
101. Surgery for Obesity: Procedures and Weight Loss, Walter J. Pories and Joseph E. Beshay
102. Surgery for Obesity: Psychosocial and Medical Outcomes, Jarl S:son Torgerson and Lars Sjöström
103. Management of Obesity in Children, Gary S. Goldfield and Leonard H. Epstein
104. Treatment of Obesity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Rena R. Wing
105. Weight Loss Programs for Minority Populations, John P. Foreyt
106. Characteristics of Successful Weight Maintainers, Rena R. Wing and MaryLou Klem
107. Improving Maintenance in Behavioral Treatment, Michael G. Perri
108. The Management of Body Image Problems, Thomas F. Cash
109. Nondieting Approaches, Gary D. Foster
110. Obesity and the Internet, Kevin R. Fontaine and David B. Allison
111. Public Health Approaches to the Management of Obesity, Robert W. Jeffery
112. Public Policy and the Prevention of Obesity, Kelly D. Brownell

About the Author

Christopher G. Fairburn, DM, FMedSci, FRCPsych, is Wellcome Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford.
Kelly D. Brownell, PhD, is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University.


"In the second edition of this landmark work, Fairburn and Brownell have again boldly linked eating disorders and obesity in one authoritative volume. It provides the clinician and the researcher, who formerly had to master two different literatures, with a splendid overview of the very latest information in 112 short, superbly crafted chapters. The first edition of this volume made history; this second edition is even better."--Albert Stunkard, M.D.

"Fairburn and Brownell have produced the definitive handbook integrating the fields of obesity and eating disorders. This second edition of the handbook is even better than the first. Well organized and carefully edited, it is unmatched in providing comprehensive and authoritative coverage of both fields. The book is an indispensable resource for clinicians and researchers alike. It is also a blessing for anyone teaching a course in the general area."--G. Terence Wilson, PhD

Praise for the First Edition
"The scope of this new compendium is impressive, with 101 chapters contributed by a distinguished roster of internationally recognized investigators and clinicians....The user-friendly nature of the book is apparent in the readability of the individual chapters....There are remarkably few areas of substantive duplication in coverage....Looking back over the book, I am reminded of the editors' comments in the preface regarding 'the regrettable separation of the eating disorders and obesity fields.'....For clinicians and investigators, this outstanding handbook should help to bridge the historical gap between those fields."--The New England Journal of Medicine

"In the weeks [this book] has been in my office I have used it more than any other text. It is what it claims to be, both 'comprehensive' and a 'handbook'. It provides the reader, novice or expert, with instant informed opinion and points them to additional, more detailed sources to continue investigation....Bringing together such an international collection of distinguished scientists and clinicians under one cover may be an important step to help the scientific community, the general public, and Government funding recognize that both [eating disorders and obesity] are in need of action and in a coordinated way. Clinical psychologists with a current or putative interest in either eating disorders or obesity should have access to this book."--The British Journal of Clinical Psychology

"The editors of this book have been successful in presenting and integrating all that is currently known about eating disorders and obesity into one well-organized, carefully edited, sound, user-friendly book. This text is a must for the libraries of practitioners working in the fields of obesity and eating disorders."--Journal of the American Dietetic Association

"This multi-author textbook successfully conveys state-of-the-art information in brief yet authoritative chapters on fundamental issues, basic science, assessments, clinical characteristics, and treatments of all three of the eating disorders....Invaluable for clinicians and students."--Readings

"This volume was boldly conceived....[Brownell and Fairburn] have attempted to cover extensive aspects of both eating disorders and obesity, to tap many of the world experts, to present controversial as well as conventional perspectives to enrich documented data with clinical insights, to be useful to generalists as well as specialists, to elucidate research methodology as well as clinical techniques, and to be current in a rapidly changing field. Remarkably, they have accomplished all this with impressive success....I recommend this book highly to all professionals who work with eating-disordered or overweight patients."--Eating Disorders

"Authoritative, accessible and practical."--Idea Today

"On occasion, a book is published that is so unique in its contribution and so completely fulfills its lofty goals that it is bound to become a classic the moment the first copy rolls off the press. This volume edited by Brownell and Fairburn is one of those classics....Both editors have demonstrated throughout their careers a broad-based perspective that is clearly evident in this collaborative effort....The volume stands out for...its integration of eating disorders and obesity across disciplines, its comprehensiveness, and its synoptic style....One cannot overlook the reasonable price of the book...it is a true bargain that is rare among today's highly inflated book prices. Eating Disorders and Obesity succeeds as a valuable and unique scholarly contribution. I recommend it highly for the reference library of anyone interested in obesity, eating disorders, or behavioral medicine."--Contemporary Psychology

"It is certainly good to see a volume bringing together material on all the eating disorders, including those that result in obesity. Indeed, the range of the book is without doubt impressive; its sections include the regulation of eating and weight, dieting and body image, measurement, classification, clinical characteristics and history of eating disorders, epidemiology and medical aspects as well as a section devoted to the major treatment initiatives."--Child Psychology and Psychiatry

'Excellent... Serves as an encyclopedia of current knowledge on everything having to do with eating disorders and obesity.' - Cognitive Therapy Today'Breadth of coverage is what makes this [book] special, together with a genuine interest in bringing together two clinical fields that remain apart, occasionally in conflict. This is a book that will make many journeys from my bookshelf to desk. And I recommend it to anyone with an interest in obesity or eating disorders, student or professor, who is curious to find out about what lies beyond their own specialty.' - International Association for the Study of Obesity Newsletter 'This book should be required reading for all medical students... It is also a wonderful quick reference book for anyone treating patients with eating disorders because the chapters are well written, short, and to the point.' - Psychosomatics'Well organized and carefully edited... An indispensable resource for clinicians and researchers alike. It is also a blessing for anyone teaching a course in the general area.' - G. Terence Wilson, PhD'The breadth of topics covered in this volume guarantees that it will be the book to be consulted when a question on any issue in eating disorders or obesity is raised by a student, a client, or another professional.' - Academy for Eating Disorders Newsletter

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