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Heidegger: An Introduction


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Table of Contents

1 The Question2 Beginnings
The roots
Theory of theory Dilthey and Husserl
Theory and life
Heidegger the teacher
Towards Being and Time3 Being and Time: Introduction and Division I
The problem and the goal
1: The mystery of Being
2: Ourselves as the starting point
3: Being and the sciences
4: Being and human existence
5, 6 and 8: The plan of Being and Time
7: The method of Being and Time
9-11: Existence and everydayness
12-13: Being-in-the-world and knowing
14-18: The world as a significant whole
19-21: The impoverished Cartesian "world"
22-24: Quantitative space and the space of appropriateness
25-27: Being-with and the "they"
28: The basic features of Being-in
29-30: Attunement
31-33: Understanding, interpretation and assertion
34: Discourse
35-38: Falling
39-42: Anxiety and care
43-44: Reality and truth4 Being and Time: Division II and Beyond
46-53: Facing up to mortality
54-60: Owning up to indebtedness and responsibility
63: Existentiell truth as the basis of existential truth
62, 64-65: Temporality as the key to the Being of Dasein
66-71: Reinterpreting everydayness in terms of temporality
72-77: History, heritage and fate
78-82: Primordial temporality and the ordinary concept of time
A glimpse of Division III5. Later Heidegger
Signs of the turn
"What is Metaphysics?": nothingness and the disintegration of logic
"On the Essence of Truth": unconcealment and freedom
Introduction to Metaphysics: the history of the restriction of Being
"The Origin of the Work of Art": the clash of earth and world
Contributions to Philosophy: fragments of another beginning
Machination and lived experience
Being as appropriation
Truth as sheltering
The way from beings to Being
Heidegger's politics: facts and thoughts
"Letter on Humanism": existentialism, humanism and ethics
"The Question Concerning Technology": beings as manipulable resources
Poetry and language
The final analysis?Selected Bibliography

About the Author

Richard Polt is Professor of Philosophy at Xavier University, Cincinnati. He is the author of The Emergency of Being: On Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy, also from Cornell.

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