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Human Development in Business


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Table of Contents

Introduction: Values and Humanistic Management in the Encyclical Caritas in Veriate; D. Melé & C. Dierksmeier PART I: ETHICS AND ECONOMICS: TOWARDS A NEW HUMANISTIC SYNTHESIS Deconstructing the Neoclassical Economic Paradigm; C. Dierksmeier Caritas in Veritate's Interpretation of the Nature of the Financial Crisis; S. Zagmani Foundations for Business Ethics: Exploring Caritas in Veritate; D. Melé Boarder Rationality and the 'Logic of Gift' in Economics; F. Torralba & C. Palazzi Efficiency vs. Fecundity: Rediscovering Relations; P. H. Dembinski Corporate or Governmental Duties? CSR as Subsidiary Co-Responsibility; M. S. A ßländer PART II: MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Human Development and Business Practice; R. Kennedy Profile of the Manager in Caritas in Veritate; G. Beabout Christian Humanism in Business; A. Pezoa The 'Logic of Gift' in the Business Enterprise; A. Argandoña Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Role of Gratuitousness for Innovation; A. Habish & C.R. Loza Human Development: Work and Working Mothers; J. E. Miller

About the Author

ANTONIO ARGANDOÑA, Professor of Economics and 'la Caixa' Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa Business School, University of Navarra, Spain GREGORY R. BEABOUT, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Saint Louis University, USA PAUL H. DEMBINSKI, Professor of International Competition and Strategy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland ANDRÉ HABISCH, Professor of Christian Social Ethics in Business and Society at the Ingolstadt School of Management of the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, (Germany), and director of the Center for Corporate Citizenship, Ingolstadt-Germany ROBERT KENNEDY, Professor in the Department of Catholic Studies and co-director of the University's Terrence J Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy, University of St Thomas (St Paul, MN), USA CRISTIAN R. LOZA, Doctoral Researcher, Ingolstadt School of Management of the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, (Germany) and researcher of the Center for Corporate Citizenship, Ingolstadt, Germany JENNIFER E. MILLER, Researcher for the Markets, Culture and Ethics Project, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome CRISTIAN PALAZZI, Executive Secretary of the Càtedra Ethos, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain ÁLVARO PEZOA, Director CGE Group Center for Business and Humanism ESE Business School, Universidad de los Andes, Chile FRANCESC TORRALBA, Professor, Ramon LlullUniversity, Barcelona, Spain STEFANO ZAMAGNI, Professor of Economics, University of Bologna (Italy) and Adjunct Professor of International Political Economy, the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University, Italy

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