List of contributors
Endorsement from the World Federation of Neurology
Part 1 Vascular
1 Overview of Stroke
Christopher Li-Hsian Chen, Chung Y. Hsu
2 Ischemic Stroke and Transient Events, TIA
Lidia Yamada, Shelly Ozark, Bruce Ovbiagele
3 Atherothrombotic Disease
Nijasri C. Suwanwela
4 Occlusion Disease of Small Penetrating Arteries
Marie Dagonnier, Takeshi Iwanaga, Hock L. Teoh, Jorge A. Zavala,
Geoffrey A. Donann
5 Ischemic White Matter Disease (Binswanger’s disease)
Saltanat U. Kamenova, Aida M. Kondybayeva, Assiya Akanova
6 Brain Embolism
Bernard P. L. Chan, N. Venketasubramanian, Chung Y. Hsu
7 Systemic Hypotensive Injury (Border Zone Infarction)
Thomas W. Leung
8 Dissection of the Cervicocerebral Arteries
Nijasri C. Suwanwela
9 Coagulation Disorders
Kay Sin Tan
10 Hemorrhagic Strokes
Anna Katharina Flügel, Thorsten Steiner, Josef Schill, Nauman
Jahangir, Morad Chughtai, Mushtaq H. Qureshi, Adnan I. Qureshi
11 Strokes in Children and Young Adults
Alfred Lindner, Ute Berweiler
12 Other Cerebrovascular Syndromes
David J. Blacker
13 Cerebral Venous Disease
Patrick W. Carney, Stephen M. Davis
14 Spinal Cord Strokes
Rohini Bhole, Louis R. Caplan
Part 2 Disorders of Cerebrovacular Autonomic Control
15 Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstrictive Syndrome (RCVS)
Shih-Pin Chen, Shuu-Jiun Wang
16 Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES)
Pratik Bhattacharya
Part 3 The Vasculitides
Inflammatory vasculopathy
17 Extracranial and Intracranial Granulomatous Arteritis (Giant
cell arteritis)
Gregory P. Van Stavern
18 Intracranial granulomatous Arteritis (primary Angiitis of the
CNS)/ Idiopathic CNS Vasculitis
Donald Silberberg
19 Takayasu’s Arteritis
Yasuhisa Kitagawa
20 Polyarteritis Nodosa, Churg-Strauss and Overlap Vasculitis
Arnold I. Levinson, Robert P Lisak
21 Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPS)
Gerard Said
22 Cerebrovascular Disease Associated with Antiphospholipid
Adrian Marchidann, Steven R. Levine
23 Thromboangiitis Obliterans – Buerger disease
Kumar Rajamani
24 Susac’s disease
Rachel E. Ventura, Steven L. Galetta
Part 4 Inflammatory Vasculopathies
25 SLE, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome
Marc Gotkine, Oded Abramsky
26 Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
Ho Jin Kim, Jae-Won Hyun
27 Mixed connective tissue disorders
Ho Jin Kim, Jae-Won Hyun
28 Micro vasculitides and Behcet’s disease
Ugur Uygunoglu, Sabahattin Saip, Aksel Siva
29 Sarcoidosis
Barney J. Stern
30 Autoimmune Encephalitis with Neuronal Cell Surface
Josep Dalmau, Myrna R. Rosenfeld
Part 5 Paroxysmal disorders
31 Epilepsy Overview
Andres M. Kanner, Barbara E. Swartz
32 Cryptogenic and Symptomatic Generalized Epilepsies and
Marco T. Medina, Antonio V. Delgado-Escueta, Luis C. Rodríguez
Salinas, Marco Medina-Montoya, Barbara E Swartz
33 Genetic (primary) Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies
Afawi Zaid, Altynshash Jaxybayeva
34 Localization Related Epilepsies
Hirokazu Oguni, Chrysostomos P. Panayiotopoulos
35 Neurodiagnostic Tools for the Paroxysmal Disorders
Barbara E. Swartz
36 Neuropharmacology of Antiepileptic Drugs
Paul B. Pritchard, III
37 Surgical and Other Treatment
Ivan Rektor, Barbara E. Swartz
Part 6 Dementia
38 Dementia Overview
Murray Grossman
39 Mild cognitive impairment to include amnestic mild cognitive
impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
David Wolk, Sanjeev Vaishnavi
40 Parkinson's Dementia, Lewy Body Disease and Other
Irena Rektorová, Marek Balá, Robert Rusina, Radoslav Matìj
41 Specific Vascular Syndromes
Elka Stefanova, Vladimir Kostiæ
42 Vascular cognitive Impairment
Elka Stefanova, Vladimir Kostiæ
43 Frontotemporal dementia
Katya Rascovsky, Diana Matallana
44 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Corticobasal Syndrome and
Other Tauopathies
David J. Irwin
45 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other TDP-43
Albert C. Ludolph
46 Metabolic, toxic, infectious, inflammatory and other
John M. Ringman, Arousiak Varpetian, Yu-Wei Lin
Part 7 Movement Disorders
47 Movement disorders: An overview
Roongroj Bhidayasiri, Jirada Sringean, Daniel D. Truong
48 Tremor
Jan Raethjen, Günther Deuschl
49 Parkinsonism
Dronacharya Lamichhane, Lisa M. Shulman
50 Parkinson’s disease
Daniel D. Truong, Roongroj Bhidayasiri
51 Dystonia
Stanley Fahn
52 Chorea and related disorders
Roongroj Bhidayasiri, Onanong Jitkritsadakul, Daniel D. Truong
53 Myoclonus
John N. Caviness, Daniel D. Truong
54 Tics and Tourette syndrome
Valerie Suski, Mark Stacy
55 Ataxia
Sergey N. Illarioshkin
56 Drug induced movement disorders
Rick Stell
57 Paroxysmal movement disorders
Sopio Sopromadze, Alexander Tsiskaridze
Part 8 Infectious diseases
Bacterial infections
58 Acute bacterial meningitis
Sudesh Prabhakar
59 Brain abscess
Gagandeep Singh
60 Subdural empyema
Sandi Lam, Eric Momin
61 Epidural abscess
Sandi Lam, Humphrey Okechi, Jared Fridley
62 Intracranial septic thrombophlebitis
Ismail A. Khatri, Mohammad Wasay
63 Encephalitis due to bacterial infections
Karen L. Roos, Jennifer Durphy
Mycobacterial infections
64 Mycobacterium tuberculosis and avium
Einar P. Wilder-Smith
65 Leprosy
Minh Le, Minh Hoang Van
Spirochetal infections
66 Neurosyphilis
Jonathan Carr
67 Lyme disease
Patricia K. Coyle
Protozoan diseases
68 Introduction to protozoans of the central nervous system
Marylou V. Solbrig
69 Amoebic disease of the central nervous system
Melanie Walker
70 Toxoplasmosis of the central nervous system
Marylou V. Solbrig
71 Cerebral malaria
Polrat Wilairatana, Srivicha Krudsood, Noppadon Tangpukdee
72 Trypanosomiasis
Francisco Javier Carod-Artal
73 Cestodes
Oscar H. Del Brutto
74 Trematodes: schistosomiasis
Manjari Tripathi
75 Nematodes
Manjari Tripathi
Other infection
76 Fungal infections of the central nervous system
Thomas Cesario
77 Rickettsial disease
Kelly J Baldwin, Narendra Rathi
Part 9 Prion diseases and Neurovirology
78 Prion Disorders
Ellen Gelpi, Herbert Budka
79 Acute and recurrent viral meningitis
Larry E. Davis
80 Acute viral encephalitis
Heng Thay Chong, Chong Tin Tan
81 Neurologic complications of human herpes virus infections
Don Gilden, Maria A. Nagel
82 Chronic viral diseases of the CNS
Maria A. Nagel, Don Gilden
83 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, PML
Salim Chahin, Thomas Weber, Joseph R. Berger
HIV and the Nervous System
84 Biology of the HIV Virus and overview of AIDS
Alexandros C. Tselis
85 HIV encephalitis and myelopathy
Girish Modi, Kapila Hari, Andre Mochan
86 Neuromuscular complications of HIV
David M. Simpson, Kara Stavros
87 Opportunistic Infections in HIV Positive Subjects and AIDS
B. J. Brew, A. Laffan
88 Neurologic Complications of HTLV-1
Abelardo Q-C Araujo, Marco A. Lima, Marcus Tulius Silva
Part 10 Demyelinating Disorders
89 Multiple sclerosis
Robert P. Lisak, Jun-Ichi Kira
90 Multiple sclerosis in children
Sarah E. Hopkins, Yael Hacohen, Sona Narula, Brenda L Banwell
91 Neuromyelitis optica
William M. Carroll
92 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Sona Narula, Sarah E. Hopkins, Yael Hacohen, and Brenda Banwell
93 Isolated inflammatory demyelinating CNS syndromes
Ernest Willoughby
94 Osmotic demyelination syndromes
Ovidiu-Alexandru Bajenaru
95 Concentric sclerosis
Takeshi Tabira
Part 11 Specific toxicities and deficiencies
96 Toxicology
Chin-Chang Huang, Nai-Shin Chu
97 Alcohol related neurological disorders
Yuri Alekseenko
98 Vitamin Deficiencies
Jacques Serratrice, Volodymyr Golyk
99 Starvation, Strachan syndrome and postgastroplasty
Ivan Milanov, Vesselina Grozeva
Part 12 Peripheral Neuropathies
100 Peripheral Neuropathies overview
Friedhelm Sandbrink
101 Hereditary neuropathies
Liying Cui, Mingsheng Liu
102 Acquired Neuropathies
Friedhelm Sandbrink
103 Plexopathies
Friedhelm Sandbrink
Part 13 Neuromuscular Disorders
Neuromuscular Disorders
Degenerative upper and lower motor neuron disorders
104 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Björn Oskarsson, Nanette Joyce, Steven P. Ringel
105 Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)
James Ha, Steven P. Ringel, Björn Oskarsson
106 Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS)
Nanette Joyce, Björn Oskarsson, Yvonne D. Rollins, Steven P.
107 Hereditary spastic paraplegia
Ildefonso Rodríguez-Leyva
108 Spinal muscular atrophy
Sabine Rudnik-Schöneborn, Klaus Zerres
109 Post-polio syndrome
Nils Erik Gilhus
Degenerative Muscle Disorders
110 Limb girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD)
A. J. van der Kooi, M. de Visser
111 Dystrophinopathies
Chiara S. M. Straathofa, Marianne de Visserb
112 Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD)
George W. Padberg
113 Myotonic disorders
Giovanni Meola, Rosanna Cardani
114 Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy (OPMD)
Luis A. Chui, Tahseen Mozaffar, Namita A. Goyal
115 Emery Dreifuss and other laminopathies
Malcolm Rabie, Yoram Nevo
116 Muscle channelopathies
Karen Suetterlin, Michael G. Hanna
117 Congenital dystrophies and myopathies
Young-Chul Choi
118 Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS)
Angela Abicht, Ulrike Schara
119 Distal myopathies
Phillipa J. Lamont, Nigel G. Laing
Acquired Neuromuscular Disorders
120 Polymyositis
Marinos C. Dalakas
121 Dermatomyositis
Marinos C. Dalakas
122 Inclusion body myositis (IBM)
Merrilee Needham, Frank L. Mastaglia
123 Immune mediated inflammatory myopathies
Werner Stenzel, Hans-Hilmar Goebel, Olivier Benveniste, Yves
124 Toxic myopathies
Stefen Brady, David Hilton-Jones
125 Critical illness neuromuscular disorders
Nicola Latronico, Frank A. Rasulo
126 Exercise intolerance and myoglobinuria
John Vissing
127 Muscle cramps
Kimiyoshi Arimura, Raymond L. Rosales
128 Myasthenia gravis
Richard A. Lewis
129 LEMS
Emilia Kerty
130 NMJ disorders caused by drugs and toxins
Zohar Argov
Part 14 Neurogenetic
131 Neurogenetic
Karen P. Frei, Janice Fuentes
Part 15 Neurootology
132 Neurootology
Kevin A. Kerber
Part 16 Neuroophthalmology
133 Neuroophthalmology
Anuchit Poonyathalang
Part 17 Neuro-oncology
134 Neuro-oncology overview
Marc C. Chamberlain
Glial tumors
135 High grade astrocytomas
Olivier-L Chinot, Marc C. Chamberlain
136 Low grade astrocytomas
M.J. van den Bent
137 Low grade and anaplastic oligodendroglioma
Sergio Cabrera, Catherine Maurice, Warren P. Mason
138 Brain stem glioma
Ira J. Dunkel, Mark M. Souweidane
139 Intracranial ependymoma
Marc C. Chamberlain
Non-glial tumors
140 Nerve sheath tumors
Nathan J. Ranalli, Zarina S. Ali, Gregory G. Heuer, Eric L.
141 Meningiomas
Jeffrey Raizer, Simran Singh
142 Medulloblastoma
Alba A. Brandes, Regina I. Jakacki, Enrico Franceschi
143 Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)
Deborah T. Blumenthal, Idan Ben-Horin
Metastatic tumors
144 Brain metastases
Babita Jyoti, Farida Balkhi Alam, Silvia Hofer, Michael Brada
145 Leptomeningeal metastases
Emilie Le Rhun, Sophie Taillibert, Marc C. Chamberlain
146 Spinal epidural metastases
Roberta Rudà, Riccardo Soffietti
Neurologic complications of systemic cancer
147 General approach to the diagnosis and treatment of
paraneoplastic neurological disorders
Myrna R. Rosenfeld, Josep Dalmau
Part 18 Sleep disorders
148 Insomnia
Delwyn J. Bartlett, Colin A. Espie
Primary disorders of daytime somnolence
149 Narcolepsy
Marcel Hungs
150 Idiopathic hypersomnia
Marcel Hungs
151 Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Janesh Patel, Christian Guilleminault
152 Restless Leg syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement
Birgit Högl, Birgit Frauscher, Claudio Podesta
153 Circadian sleep disorders
Sergio Tufik, Lia R .A. Bittencourt, Monica L. Andersen
154 Arousal disorders
Li Ling Lim
155 REM Sleep Behavioral Disorders
Li Ling Lim
156 Hypnogenic paroxysmal Dystonia
Cynthia L. Comella
157 Sleep abnormalities in Neurological Disorders
Margaret Park, Cynthia L. Comella
Part 19 Spinal cord
158 Spinal cord disorders
David B. Vodušek, Miran Jeromel, Simon Podnar
159 Ischemic and congestive myelopathies
Simon Podnar, Miran Jeromel, David B. Vodušek
160 Syringomyelia
Alla Guekht
Part 20 Pediatric neurology
161 Neonatal neurology
Mary Payne, Ann Tilton
162 Neurodevelopmental disorders
Adam L. Numis, Raman Sankar
163 Floppy infant syndrome
Jong-Hee Chae, Anna Cho
164 Storage disorders
Jeffrey J. Ekstrand, Jason T. Lerner, Raman Sankar
165 Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Thomas Wieser
166 Disorders of amino acid, organic acid, and ammonia
Stephen Cederbaum
167 Pediatric neurotransmitter diseases
Stephen Deputy
168 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies
Stacey K. H. Tay, Caterina Garone, Salvatore DiMauro
169 Disorders resulting from transporters
Anna Czlonkowska, David Gloss, Tomasz Litwin
170 The porphyrias
F. J. E. Vajda
Part 21 CNS Trauma, Pain and Headache
171 Traumatic brain injury
Christopher C. Giza
172 Spinal Injury
Enver I. Bogdanov, Aisylu T. Faizutdinova
173 Whiplash injury
Anthony Ciabarra
174 Decompression sickness
Andreas Koch, Günther Deuschl
175 Pain
Guillermo García-Ramos, Bernardo Cacho-Díaz, Bruno
176 Headache
Stephen D. Silberstein
177 Facial and neck pain
Kammant Phanthumchinda
178 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Jasem Yousef Al-Hashel
179 Fibromyalgia
Saeed Bohlega, Hussam Abou Al-Shaar
Parker Webber
Chair in Neurology, Professor of Neurology, Professor of Immunology
and Microbiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine;
Attending Neurologist, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI, USA
The Truong Neuroscience
Institute, Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center, Fountain Valley,
CA, USA; Professor, University California Riverside, Riverside, CA,
Professor of Neurology, Western Australian Research Institute,
University of Western Australia, Australia
Director, Chulalongkorn
Comprehensive Movement Disorders Center
Chulalongkorn University Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand;
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
"An intriguing title to an atypical textbook of neurology. The usual, repetitive, and often boring contributions of standard text-books have happily been omitted, with the result of a rather fresh and stimulating look of most chapters." (Eur Neurol, 8 February 2011) "This outstanding book is a unique opportunity for neurologists (and family doctors) around the world to have an excellent overview of their specialty." ("The Lancet," March 2010)
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