1. Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the
Introduction. What Is a Computer? Computer Organization. Evolution
of Operating Systems. Personal, Distributed and Client/Server
Computing. Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level
Languages. History of C++. History of Java. Java Class Libraries.
Other High-level Languages. Structured Programming. The Internet
and the World Wide Web. Basics of a Typical Java Environment.
General Notes about Java and This Book. A Tour of the Book.
2. Introduction to Java Applications.
Introduction. A Simple Program: Printing a Line of Text. Another
Java Application: Adding Integers. Memory Concepts. Arithmetic.
Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators.
3. Introduction to Java Applets.
Introduction. Thinking About Objects. Sample Applets from the Java
2 Software Development Kit. A Simple Java Applet: Drawing a String.
Two More Simple Applets: Drawing Strings and Lines. Another Java
Applet: Adding Integers. Java Applet Internet and World Wide Web
4. Control Structures: Part 1.
Introduction. Algorithms. Pseudocode. Control Structures. The
if Selection Structure. The if/else Selection
Structure. The While Repetition Structure. Formulating
Algorithms: Case Study 1 (Counter-Controlled Repetition).
Formulating Algorithms with Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: Case
Study 2 (Sentinel-Controlled Repetition). Formulating Algorithms
with Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement: Case Study 3 (Nested Control
Structures). Assignment Operators. Increment and Decrement
Operators. Primitive Data Types.
5. Control Structures: Part 2.
Introduction. Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition. The
for Repetition Structure. Examples Using the for
Structure. The switch Multiple-Selection Structure. The
Do/While Repetition Structure. The break and
continue Statements. The Labeled break and
continue Statements. Logical Operators. Structured
Programming Summary.
6. Methods.
Introduction. Program Modules in Java. Math Class Methods.
Methods. Method Definitions. Java API Packages. Random Number
Generation. Example: A Game of Chance. Duration of Identifiers.
Scope Rules. Recursion. Example Using Recursion: The Fibonacci
Series. Recursion vs. Iteration. Method Overloading. Methods of
Class JApplet.
7. Arrays.
Introduction. Arrays. Declaring and Allocating Arrays. Examples
Using Arrays. References and Reference Parameters. Passing Arrays
to Methods. Sorting Arrays. Searching Arrays: Linear Search and
Binary Search. Multiple-Subscripted Arrays.
8. Object-Based Programming.
Introduction. Implementing a Time Abstract Data Type with a Class.
Class Scope. Controlling Access to Members. Creating Packages.
Initializing Class Objects: Constructors. Using Overloaded
Constructors. Using Set and Get Methods. Software Reusability.
Final Instance Variables. Composition: Objects as Instance
Variables of Other Classes. Package Access. Using the This
Reference. Finalizers. Static Class Members. Data Abstraction and
Information Hiding.
9. Object-Oriented Programming.
Introduction. Superclasses and Subclasses. Protected
Members. Relationship between Superclass Objects and Subclass
Objects. Constructors and Finalizers in Subclasses. Implicit
Subclass-Object-to-Superclass-Object Conversion. Software
Engineering with Inheritance. Composition vs. Inheritance. Case
Study: Point, Circle, Cylinder. Introduction to Polymorphism. Type
Fields and Switch Statements. Dynamic Method Binding.
Final Methods and Classes. Abstract Superclasses and
Concrete Classes. Polymorphism Examples. Case Study: A Payroll
System Using Polymorphism. New Classes and Dynamic Binding. Case
Study: Inheriting Interface and Implementation. Case Study:
Creating and Using Interfaces. Inner Class Definitions. Notes on
Inner Class Definitions. Type-Wrapper Classes for Primitive
10. Strings and Characters.
Introduction. Fundamentals of Characters and Strings. String
Constructors. String Methods Length, charAt and
getChars. Comparing Strings. String Method
hashCode. Locating Characters and Substrings in
Strings. Extracting Substrings from Strings.
Concatenating Strings. Miscellaneous String Methods.
Using String Method valueOf. String Method
Intern. StringBuffer Class. StringBuffer
Constructors. StringBuffer Methods Length,
Capacity. setLength and ensureCapacity.
StringBuffer Methods charAt, setCharAt,
getChars and Reverse. StringBuffer
Append Methods. StringBuffer Insertion and Deletion
Methods. Character Class Examples. Class StringTokenizer. A
Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation.
11. Graphics and Java2D.
Introduction. Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects. Color
Control. Font Control. Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Ovals. Drawing
Arcs. Drawing Polygons and Polylines. The Java2D API. Java2D
12. Basic Graphical User Interface Components.
Introduction. Swing Overview. Jlabel. Event Handling Model.
JtextField and JpasswordField. Jbutton.
JcheckBox and JradioButton. JcomboBox.
Jlist. Multiple-Selection Lists. Mouse Event Handling.
Adapter Classes. Keyboard Event Handling. Layout Managers.
13. Advanced Graphical User Interface Components.
Introduction. JtextArea. Creating a Customized Subclass of
Jpanel. Creating a Self-Contained Subclass of Jpanel.
Jslider. Windows. Designing Programs that Execute as Applets
or Applications. Using Menus with Frames. Using JpopupMenus.
Pluggable Look-and-Feel. Using JdesktopPane and
JinternalFrame. Layout Managers. BoxLayout Layout
Manager. CardLayout Layout Manager. GridBagLayout
Layout Manager. GridBagConstraints Constants RELATIVE
14. Exception Handling.
Introduction. When Exception Handling Should Be Used. Other Error
Handling Techniques. The Basics of Java Exception Handling. An
Exception Handling Example: Divide by Zero. Try Blocks. Throwing an
Exception. Catching an Exception. Rethrowing an Exception. Throws
Clause. Constructors, Finalizers and Exception Handling. Exceptions
and Inheritance. Finally Block. Using printStackTrace
and getMessage.
15. Multithreading.
Introduction. Class Thread: An Overview of the Thread
Methods. Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread. Thread Priorities
and Thread Scheduling. Thread Synchronization. Producer/Consumer
Relationship without Thread Synchronization. Producer/Consumer
Relationship with Thread Synchronization. Producer/Consumer
Relationship: The Circular Buffer. Daemon Threads. Runnable
Interface. Thread Groups.
16. Multimedia: Images, Animation, Audio and Video.
Introduction. Downloading the Java Media Framework. Loading,
Displaying and Scaling Images. Loading and Playing Audio Clips. The
Java Media Player. Animating a Series of Images. Animation Issues.
Customizing Applets via the HTML param Tag. Image Maps. Java
Plug-In. Internet and World Wide Web Resources.
17. Files and Streams.
Introduction. Data Hierarchy. Files and Streams. Creating a
Sequential-Access File. Reading Data from a Sequential-Access File.
Updating Sequential-Access Files. Random-Access Files. Creating a
Random-Access File. Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File.
Reading Data Sequentially from a Random-Access File. Example: A
Transaction-Processing Program. Class File.
18. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
Introduction. Database Systems. Relational Database Model.
Relational Database Overview: The Books.mdb Database.
Structured Query Language. A First Example. Reading, Inserting, and
Updating a Microsoft Access database. Transaction Processing.
19. Servlets.
Introduction. Overview of Servlet Technology. Downloading the Java
Servlet Development Kit. Handling HTTP GET Requests. Handling HTTP
POST Requests. Session Tracking. Multitier Applications: Using JDBC
from a Servlet. Electronic Commerce. Servlet Internet and World
Wide Web Resources.
20. Remote Method Invocation (RMI).
Introduction. Case Study: Creating a Distributed System with
RMI. Defining the Remote Interface. Implementing the Remote
Interface. Define the Client. Compile and Execute the Server and
the Client.
21. Networking.
Introduction. Manipulating URLs. Reading a File on a Web Server.
Establishing a Simple Server (Using Stream Sockets). Establishing a
Simple Client (Using Stream Sockets). Client/Server Interaction
with Stream Socket Connections. Connectionless Client/Server
Interaction with Datagrams. Client/Server Tic-Tac-Toe Using a
Multithreaded Server. Security and the Network.
22. Data Structures.
Introduction. Self-Referential Classes. Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Linked Lists. Stacks. Queues. Trees.
23. Java Utilities Package and Bit Manipulation.
Introduction. Vector Class and Enumeratio Interface.
Stack Class. Dictionary Class. Hashtable
Class. Properties Class. Random Class. Bit
Manipulation and the Bitwise Operators. BitSet Class.
24. Collections.
Introduction. Overview. Class Arrays. Interface
Collection and Class Collections. Lists. Algorithms.
Sets. Maps. Synchronization Wrappers. Unmodifiable Wrappers.
Abstract Implementations.
25. JavaBeans.
Introduction. BeanBox Overview. Preparing a Class to Be a
JavaBean. Creating a JavaBean: Java Archive Files and the
jar Utility. Adding Beans to the BeanBox. Connecting Beans
with Events in the BeanBox. Adding Properties to a JavaBean.
Creating a JavaBean with a Bound Property. Specifying the
BeanInfo Class for a JavaBean. JavaBeans World Wide Web
Appendix A: Demos.
Introduction. The Sites.
Appendix B: Java Resources.
Introduction. Resources. Products. FAQs. Tutorials. Magazines. Java
Applets. Multimedia. Servlets. JavaBeans. Java CORBA.
Appendix C: Operator Precedence Chart.
Appendix D: ASCII Character Set.
Appendix E: Number Systems.
Introduction. Abbreviating Binary Numbers as Octal Numbers and
Hexadecimal Numbers. Converting Octal Numbers and Hexadecimal
Numbers to Binary Numbers. Converting from Binary, Octal, or
Hexadecimal to Decimal. Converting from Decimal to Binary, Octal,
or Hexadecimal. Negative Binary Numbers: Two's Complement
Appendix F: Object-Oriented Elevator Simulator.
Introduction. Problem Statement. Elevator Laboratory Assignment
1. Elevator Laboratory Assignment 2. Elevator Laboratory
Assignment 3. Elevator Laboratory Assignment 4. Elevator Laboratory
Assignment 5. Elevator Laboratory Assignment 6. Elevator Laboratory
Assignment 7. Elevator Laboratory Assignment 8. Elevator Laboratory
Assignment 9. Elevator Laboratory Assignment 10. Elevator
Laboratory Assignment 11. Elevator Laboratory Assignment 12. Design
Review Questions. Recommended Modifications.
Appendix G: Creating HTML Documentation with javadoc.
Introduction. Documentation Comments. Documenting Java Source Code.
javadoc. Files Produced by javadoc.
Appendix H: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Web Resources.
Introduction. Tutorials. Demos. Resources. Developers.
Specifications. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Magazines.
Appendix I: Jini Web Resources.
Introduction. Tutorials. Resources. Demos. Specifications. FAQs.
HARVEY AND PAUL DEITEL are the principals of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally-recognized training and consulting organization specializing in Java, C++, C, Visual BasicĀ®, object technology, and Internet and World Wide Web programming training. They are also the authors of many best-selling textbooks including C++ How to Program, C How to Program, Visual Basic 6 How to Program and Internet and World Wide Web How to Program.
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