Part I: Classical Reception in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Chapter One: Reform through Classics
Contesting the Place of Classics
Athenian Institutions and Reform
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Two: Plato in Pre-Victorian Britain
Rediscovering Plato
A Neoplatonist Born Out of Due Season
Socrates in Early-Nineteenth Century
Socrates, Plato and the Utilitarians
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Three: James Mill on Plato
Radicalising Plato
James Mill’s ‘Platonism’
Concluding Remarks
Part II: John Stuart Mill’s Appropriation of Plato
Chapter Four: Educative Past
Reforming Educational Practice
Reforming Social Institutions
Reforming Political Practice
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Five: Reading Plato
Mill’s First Reading: Defining Plato’s Creed
Mill’s Second Reading: Grote’s Plato
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Six: On Plato’s Method
Mill’s Intellectual Development and Plato
Mill’s Dialectical Method
Concluding Remarks
Part III: John Stuart Mill’s Platonic Heritage
Chapter Seven: The Art of Life
Reason and Action
Mill and the Art of Life
An Education for the Art of Life
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Eight: Character, Ethology and Virtue
Defining Character
Means and Ends of Character Formation
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Nine: Eudaimonia and Utility
Utility or Eudaimonia?
Additive and Directive Views of Happiness
Direction, Pleasure and Lives
Concluding Remarks
Antis Loizides teaches at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Cyprus. In 2010, he was awarded a research grant by the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus to carry out research on Plato’s influence on John Stuart Mill. His research interests include British utilitarianism, the moral and political thought of John Stuart Mill and James Mill, social contract theories, social happiness, justice, and liberty. He is co-editor of John Stuart Mill: A British Socrates (2013).
. . . . Kuhar and Patternotte’s anthology provides an encouraging
methodological example as to how sociological research into
pressing political issues can be conducted. In their sober,
account-taking style, the essays provide maximum enlightenment. At
the same time, they create the baffling result that this book would
serve just as well as a manual for building anti-gender campaigns,
or for building one’s political career on no expertise except
authoritarian anti-gender rhetorics. Anti-Gender Campaigns in
Europe is neither a blazing ideology critique nor a manual for
resistance. But asking for that might be getting ahead of things.
The first step is to take the phenomenon of anti-genderism
seriously and learn about its dynamics, as this book enables us to
*Radical Philosophy*
Everyone knows that John Stuart Mill began to learn Greek at the
age of three. Very few have a clear idea of what Mill permanently
incorporated into his mature thinking about ethics, politics, and
individual happiness from his youthful and subsequent encounters
with Greek philosophy, and with Plato above all. Antis Loizides’
book casts a wholly novel light on familiar issues, such as the way
in which the younger Mill half-accepted and half-rejected his
father’s ideas, and in doing so, forces us to reconsider his
father’s utilitarianism as well as his own. The list of topics that
Antis Loizides illuminates by carefully retracing Mill’s engagement
with Plato is very long indeed; among them, Mill’s concern to
develop an ‘art of life’ that would do justice to the noble and the
beautiful in conduct, to kalon, and his careful balancing of
representative democracy’s need for citizens with the critical
skills of a Socrates on the one hand and its need for dispassionate
Platonic expertise on the other. Finally, Mill’s concern with
character and self-development, which is all too easy to see as a
gift from Thomas Carlyle, turns out to have deep roots in Plato, as
does the thought, central to On Liberty, that the happiness of a
fully-developed human being exists in their capacity for rational
self-direction. This is a deeply engrossing book.
*Alan Ryan, professor of politics, Princeton University*
Antis Loizides has produced an enlightening study of ancient Greek
intellectual influences on James Mill and his son John Stuart. He
makes a convincing case that Plato’s ideas in particular,
especially his Socratic method of dialectic, as much as Bentham’s
ideas, helped to shape not only James’s classical utilitarian
philosophy but also John’s enlarged utilitarian ‘art of life’,
though both Mills agreed with George Grote in rejecting Plato’s
metaphysical idealism, mysticism and distaste for democracy. The
study is full of important insights and sheds light on many aspects
of John’s unusual utilitarianism. For instance, Loizides calls
attention to James’s suggestive remarks about higher pleasures,
including the remark that mental pleasures include bodily
sensations of pleasure or at least their traces in memory or
imagination as ingredients. To take another example, he also
demonstrates through numerous quotations that John rejects the
internalist doctrine, shared by idealists such as Plato and Kant,
that knowledge of virtue is sufficient to motivate us to act
virtuously, a doctrine incorrectly attributed to Mill by modern
utilitarians such as R.M. Hare. Loizides concludes his study with
an interesting discussion in which he compares Mill’s hedonistic
conception of happiness with the Greek idea of eudaimonia. He
speculates that, for Mill, a noble and virtuous life is also the
most pleasant life. But he also suggests at times that rational
deliberation is what ultimately directs an individual to develop a
noble and virtuous character, and that feelings of pleasure merely
accompany rather than motivate noble and virtuous activities. In my
view, that suggestion is incompatible with Mill’s hedonism and his
rather Humean claim that feeling, not reason, is the ultimate
spring of human action.
*Jonathan Riley, professor of philosophy, Tulane University*
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