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Making Culture


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Table of Contents

Introduction: Making Culture

David Rowe, Graeme Turner and Emma Waterton

Part One: The Cultural Fields

Chapter One

The Literary Field: David Carter and Michelle Kelly, The Book Trade and the Arts Ecology: Transnationalism and Digitization in the Australian Literary Field

Chapter Two

The Art Field: Tony Bennett, Beyond Nation, Beyond Art? The ‘Rules of Art’ in Contemporary Australia

Chapter Three

Deborah Stevenson, The Australian Art Field: Fairs and Markets

Chapter Four

The Music Field: Shane Homan, ‘The Music Nation’: Popular Music and Australian Cultural Policy

Chapter Five

The Media Field: Graeme Turner, Television: Commercialization, the Decline of Nationing, and the Status of the Media Field

Chapter Six

The Heritage Field: Emma Waterton, A History of Heritage Policy in Australia: From Hope to Philanthropy

Chapter Seven

The Sport Field: David Rowe, The Sport Field in Australia: The Market, The State, The Nation and the World Beyond in Pierre Bourdieu’s Favourite Game.

Part Two: Across Cultural Fields

Chapter Eight

The Digital: Brett Hutchins, ‘Crossing the Technical Rubicon’: Marketizing Culture and Fields of the Digital

Chapter Nine

Tourism: Chris Gibson, Touring Nation: The Changing Meanings of Cultural Tourism

Chapter Ten

Indigeneity: Ben Dibley and Graeme Turner, Indigeneity, Cosmopolitanism and the Nation: The Project of NITV

Chapter Eleven

Multiculturalism: Ien Ang and Greg Noble, Making Multiculture: Australia, Culture and the Ambivalent Politics of Diversity

Chapter 12

Afterword: Toby Miller, Undoing the Bonds of Nation/Rediscovering Dead Souls

About the Author

David Rowe FAHA, FASSA is an Emeritus Professor of Cultural Research in the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University. Internationally recognised for his extensive and influential publications on sport, media and popular culture, his most recent books are Global Media Sport: Flows, Forms and Futures (2011), Sport Beyond Television: The Internet, Digital Media, and the Rise of Networked Media Sport (2012), and Digital Media Sport: Technology, Power and Culture in the Network Society (2012) (both with Brett Hutchins), and (with Jay Scherer) Sport, Public Broadcasting, and Cultural Citizenship: Signal Lost? (2014).

Graeme Turner is an Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, at the University of Queensland. He has published 24 books in film, media, communications and cultural studies, and his work has been translated into ten languages. One of the founding figures in media and cultural studies in Australia and internationally, his primary research interests over the last decade have been focused on television and new media in the post-broadcast and digital era. His most recent books include Re-Inventing the Media (2016), Television Histories in Asia: Issues and Contexts (co-edited with Jinna Tay) (2015), a revised edition of Understanding Celebrity (2014), and Locating Television: Zones of Consumption (co-authored with Anna Cristina Pertierra) (2013)

Emma Waterton is an Associate Professor in the Geographies of Heritage at Western Sydney University. She was a Research Councils UK (RCUK) Academic Fellow at Keele University from 2006–2010 and a DECRA Fellow at WSU from 2012–2016. Her research explores the interface between heritage, identity, memory and affect in both Australian and international contexts. She has published 19 books, including the monographs Politics, Policy and the Discourses of Heritage in Britain (2010), Heritage, Communities and Archaeology (co-authored with Laurajane Smith; 2009) and The Semiotics of Heritage Tourism (co-authored with Steve Watson; 2014).

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