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Mario Praz: A Symposium of Literature, History and Arts: Pt. 2: Mario Praz


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Volume VI Harold Fromm, Spenserian Jazz and the Aphrodisiac of Virtue. Veselin Kosti, Ariosto and Spenser. Roger Pryor Dodge, The Image and the Actor. A. K. McComb, The Anglo-Americans in Florence. Paul M. Clogan, Chaucer’s Use of the ‘Thebaid’. Alan Gerald Gross, The Text of Hal’s First Soliloquy. John P. Cutts, Shakespeare’s Song and Masque Hand in ‘The Two Noble Kinsmen’. John E. Parish, Milton and the Well-Fed Angel. Masolino D’mico, Oscar Wilde between ‘Socialism’ and Aestheticism. Barbara Melchiori, A Light-Fingered English Visitor to Italy. Paul Kaufman, Rawdon Brown and his Adventures in Venetian Archives. Pauline Parker, The Image of Direction in Dante, Spenser and Milton. G. S. Rousseau, Marlowe’s ‘Dido’ and a Rhetoric of Love. David C. McPherson, Chapman’s Adaptations of New Comedy. Dominic Baker-Smith, John Donne and the Mysterium Crucic. Donald R. Benson, ‘Ideas’ and the Problem of Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century English Aesthetics. Robert J. Gemmett, The Critical Reception of William Beckford’s Fonthill. Giorgio Melchori, Yeats and Dante. Harold Fromm, ‘To the Lighthouse’: Music and Sympathy. Alan Barr, The paradise behind ‘1984’. Brian Moloney, Anglo-Florentine Diplomatic Relations and the French Revolution. Volume VII T. K. Meier, Chaucer’s Knight as ‘Persona’: Narration as Control. R. J. Schoeck, Thomas More’s ‘Dialogue of Comfort’ and the Problem of the Real Grand Turk. Virginia Tufte, England’s First Epithalamium and the ‘Vesper Adest’ Tradition. N. W. Bawcutt, Some Elizabethan Allusions to Machiavelli. Carolyn A. Schten, Southwell’s ‘Christ’s Bloody Sweat’ Clifford Davidson, Middeton and the Family of Love. Giovanna Pellizzi, The Speech of Ithocles on Ambition in Ford’s ‘The Broken Heart’. Norman Mackenzie, ‘Kubla Khan’: a Poem of Creative Agony and Loss. Osward Doughty, Coleridge as Statesman. Sandor Baumgarten, A Sculptor with Many Fatherlands. Barbara Melchiori, Fanny Kemble in Rome, with Some Unpublished Letters. George A. Panichas, G. Wilson Knight: interpreter of Genius. Morriss Henry Partee, Claudius and the Political Background of’Hamlet’. Richard Studing, Spectacle and Masque in ‘The Winter’s Tale’. Paul Kaufman, ‘The Hurricane’ and the Romantic Poets. Ian Fletcher, Herbert Horne: The Earlier Phase. Jeffrey Meyers, The Voice of Water: Lawrence’s ‘The Virgin and the Gipsy’. Hilary Gatti, D. H. Lawrence and the Idea of Education. English Studies in Italy: A selected list of books published in Italy 1968–1970 Volume VIII Morris Henry Partee, Anti-Platonism in Sidney’s ‘Defence’. William H. Magee, Helena, a Female Hamlet. B. Eugene McCarthy, Wycherley’s ‘The Plain Dealer’ and the Limits of Wit. Pat Rogers, Defoe and Virgil: the Georgic Element in ‘A Tour thro’ Great Britain’. Andrew M. Canepa, From Degenerate Scoundrel to Noble Savage: the Italian Stereotype in 18th-century British Travel Literature. Paul Kaufman, A Keats Circle by the Sea. David H. Paroissten, Dickens’s ‘Pictures from Italy: Stages of the Work’s Development and Dickens’s Method of Composition. Giovanni Angelo, A Note on Samuel Butle in Sicily. English Studies in Italy: A selected list of books published in Italy 1970–1971 Mason Tung, Spenser’s Graces and Costalius’ ‘Pegma’. Philip Dust, Another Source for Spenser’s ‘Faerie Queene’. Giorgio Melchiori, Love’s use and Man’s Hues in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 20. B. J. Layman, Shakespeare’s Helena, Boccaccio’s Giletta, and the Riddles of ‘Skill’ and ‘Honesty’. G. F. Waller, Time, Providence and Tragedy in ‘The Atheist’s Tragedy’ and ‘King Lear’. Roger Pryor Dodge, Shakespeare in Proper Dress. James Milton Highsmith, Smollett’s Nancy Williams: A Mirror for Maggie. Osward Doughty, Coleridge and the ‘Gothic Novel’ or ‘Tales of Terror' D. Heyward Brock, The Portrait of Abbot Samson in ‘Past and Present’: Carlyle and Jocelin of Brakelond, Helmut Klinger, Varieties of Failure: The Significance of Trollope’s ‘The Prime Minister’. John J. Reich, Baron Corvo and the classic. Gabrielle Barfoot, Dante in T. S. Eliot’s Criticism. Jeffrey Meyers, The Evolution of ‘1984’ English Studies in Italy Volume IX Mason Tung, Emblematic Inventions of Alciati and Whitney. Paulina Palmer, Marvell, Petrarchism and ‘De gli eroici furori’. John M. Alexander, ‘Ut Music Poesis’ in Eighteenth Century Aestheucs. Jerry C. Beasley, Fanny Burney and Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Andrea Cozza, The Betheral of Bleakrigs. Brian Swann, ‘The Mill on the Floss’ and the Form of Tragedy Barbara Bates Bonadeo, D. H. Lawrence’s View of the Italians. Luigi Magnani, Beethoven as Reader of Shakespeare. English Studies in Italy Attila Faj, Poetic Reminiscences and an Ascetic Principle in ‘Patience’. A. M. Kinghorn, William Tyndale’s Tractate of Disobedience, ‘The Obedience of a Christian Man’. Robert Coogan, Surrey’s Petrarchism and Tudor Concepts of Translation and Imitation. Robert Coogan, The Date of Wyatt’s ‘Jopas’ Song’. Philip Dust, The Kiss in Lyly’s ‘Endymion’. Saad El-Gabalawy, Aretino’s Pornography in the Later English Renaissance. Ronald McFarland, The Rhodian Colossus in Renaissance Emblem and Poetry. L. T. Fitz, Mental Torment and the Figurative Method of ‘The Tempest’. Clifford Davidson. Herbert’s ‘The Tempest’: Conflicts, Submission and Freedom. Winfried Schleiner, The Hand of the Tongue: Emblematic Technique in One of Donne’s Sermons. John E. Parish, ‘Sun, Stand Still!’, Secular Parody of Sacred Wonders. Philip Flynn, Recovering Francis Jeffrey. Barbara Arnett Melchiori, The Windows of the Victorians. English Studies in Italy: a Select Bibliography 1974–76 Volume X Thomas Grove, Sexual Intemperance and the Fall of the Round Table. Barry Windeatt, The ‘Tainted Process・ Italian to English in Chaucer’s ‘Troilus’. Kenneth Friedenreich, English Renaissance Accounts of the Fall of Constantinople. Toby Mostysser, Puritan Meditation and Four Devotional Lyrics by Fulke Greville. Barbara Arnett Melchiori, A note on the Murdered Duncan and the Drowned Ophelia. Giancarlo D’Anna, Shakespeare’s ‘Troilus and Cressida’, V. iii and V. x: A Textual Problem. Saad El-Gabalawy, George Herbert and the Emblem books. D. Heyward Brock, Praise and Dispraise: Salient Social Aspects of Ben Jonson’s Poetry. Paul Kaufman, Sheridan as Social Crusader: ‘The Rivals’, 1, 2 in New Perspective. Joan Fitz Gerald, The Structures of Mill’s ‘Autobiography’. Helmut Klinger, Intention versus Art: L. H. Myers and the Novel. English Studies in Italy: a Select Bibliography 1977–78 Yvette Marchand, Hypothesis for an Interpretation of the Later Poems of Edmund Spenser. Ronald E. McFarland, Teratology in Late Renaissance English Popular Literature . Babara C. Millard & D.Heyward Brock, Ben Jonson’s Humor Plays and the Dramatic Adaptation of Pastral. June Morris, A Study of Humor in Donne’s Anniversaries: ‘How Witty’s Ruin?’. M. F. McBride, Thomas Shadwell on Music and Dance in Restoration England. Carolyn Chiappelli, The Single Plot Structure of Vanbrugh’s ‘The Relapse’. Sarah A. Solberg, Hablot Browne: Potential R.A.? Alan P. Barr, Sensuality Survived: Christina Rossetti’s ‘Goblin Market’. Ernest L. Fontana, William Morris’s Guenevere and Dante’s Francesca: Allusion and Revision. R.M. Gounelas, Samuel Butler’s Late Works: The Motives and Methods of a Controversialist. Hugh Honour, From the House of Life. Ren Wellek, Mario Praz: Memories and Literary Criticism.

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