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Market-Led Strategic Change


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Table of Contents

Part I: Everything has Changed, but Everything is the Same... 1. A Map for Market-Led Strategic Change: Using the Model Without Getting Lost! 2. The Changing World: The New and Harsh Realities we all Face 3. The Customer is Always Right, Except When They Are Wrong: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Sophistication and Market Change 4. The Evolution of Marketing for a Changing World: New Ideas Win Part I: End of Part Cases Case 1. The Price of Oil: Black Gold or can Someone Find Somewhere to Store the Filthy Stuff? Case 2. Marijuana: Is the World Going to Pot or What? Case 3. Business and the Global Obesity Epidemic: Who Made us Fat? Case 4. Privacy: The New Product for the 21st Century Part II: Developing Value-Based Strategy 5. Value-Based Strategy: Strategic Thinking and Thinking Strategically About Value 6. Market Sensing and Learning Strategy: Competitive Strength Through Knowing More 7. Strategic Market Choices and Innovation: Where to Compete, Where not to, and What's New 8. Customer Value Strategy and Positioning: What Have You Got to Offer, How Does it Make You Different to the Rest? 9. Strategic Relationships and Networks: Building the Infrastructure to Deliver the Strategy 10. Strategic Customer Relationships: The Special Case in Relationship Strategy Part II: End of Part Cases Case 5. Uber: A Revolution in Personal Transport or a Death Trap? Case 6. Volkswagen and Emissions: Hoakwagen Sent to the Naughty Step Case 7. Music: We Built this City on Rock 'N' Roll, But Where's the Money Now? Case 8. Reinventing the Healthcare Business: An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, But only if You Throw it Very Hard Indeed Part III: Processes for Managing Strategic Transformation 11. Strategic Gaps: The Difference Between What We Want and What We Have Got 12. Organization and Processes for Change: Building the Infrastructure to Make It Happen 13. Implementation Process and Internal Marketing: Making it Happen 14. An Agenda for Market-Led Strategic Change: The Last Chapter that No-One Reads Part III: End of Part Cases Case 9. Alibaba: Amazon Plus E-Bay Plus Some Case 10. Facebook: Ok Mark, Very Clever, But Where's the Money? Case 11. The Continuing Dilemma For Marks And Spencer: And no Jokes About "Has Marks Lost its Sparks"! Case 12. Counter-Implementation Strategy: The Anatomy of Hate and the Tactics of the Gutter

About the Author

Nigel F. Piercy BA, MA, PhD, DLitt, FCIM was previously Associate Dean and Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Warwick Business School, having earlier held a chair in strategic marketing at Cranfield School of Management. Before Cranfield and Warwick, he held the Sir Julian Hodge Chair in Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff Business School.


'As ever, Market-Led Strategic Change is intelligent, witty, though-provoking and what’s more a damn good read! Whether you’re a hardened old marketer or a fresh-faced student, this book will change the way you think about making stuff happen!' - Professor Lloyd C. Harris, Head of Department, Professor of Marketing, University of Birmingham, UKPraise for the fourth edition‘Much is known about good marketing practice, but little is known about how to transform a company into a first-rate marketing company. Nigel Piercy has provided the best guide I've seen to creating a market-led company -- replete with worksheets, diagnostics, and many convincing illustrative cases ... a very useful and readable book that will make a contribution to many companies that manage to read it and act on it.’ - Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing, Northwestern University, USA‘Professor Piercy lives up to his promise to provide management with a number of tools and techniques to help implement marketing effectively in their own companies so that customer considerations and satisfaction are put at the top of the management agenda. A very practical manual, full of good useful advice ... I enjoyed reading it.’ - John O'Shaugnessy, Professor Emeritus of Business, Columbia University, USA‘It is not just the chapter titles which are provocative. The more closely one reads the contents of the individual chapters, it becomes apparent that they constitute a healthy mix of foundation material (informative), well-reasoned questioning of certain heretofore unchallenged assumptions and practices (provocative), and clear directions to managers as to how the content of the individual chapters can be put to use in organizations (instructive) ... I was looking for new insights, needless to say I was not disappointed ... an outstanding contribution.’ - P. Rajan Varadarajan, Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Ford Chair in Marketing and E-Commerce, Texas A&M University, USA‘This is a marvellous, thought-provoking book on how to cultivate and implement a customer-focused strategy within a company. In a time when many marketing texts seem depressingly similar, this book is different and that is very much to the good … No reader will walk away from this book without substantial new ideas on making customer-focused marketing work. On that basis, I think it is a book that should be on the shelf of every person seriously concerned with market strategy.’ - Bruce H, Clark, Associate Professor and Group Coordinator of Marketing, Northeastern University, USA‘Every once in a while one reads a book and think "This makes so much sense, why didn’t someone write it before?" Anyone seriously interested in the management of marketing is likely to have this reaction to Nigel Piercy’s Market-Led Strategic Change … Refreshing in its candor, stimulating in its arguments, practical in its applicability, Professor Piercy is to be congratulated. Buy it!’ - James M. Hulbert, President of James M. Hulbert Associates Inc. and formerly Kopf Professor of International Marketing, Columbia University, USA‘This book is aimed at the reflective practitioner who wants to get things done. It is a management perspective on marketing, where marketing is not just the Marketing and Sales Department but a way of life that permeates every corner of the company. Market-Led Strategic Change demonstrates the author's ability to combine systematic analysis with practical advice for action. The book is rich in practical examples from the author's own experience and research.’ - Professor Evert Gummesson, Professor Emeritus of Service Marketing and Management, University of Stockholm, Sweden‘By now everyone knows (or should know) what marketing is and what benefits will accrue to the marketing oriented organization. The problem is not WHAT but HOW. Virtually all the recent work on competitiveness and competitive success ... confirms that 'it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it'. In his new pragmatic and practitioner-oriented book Nigel Piercy provides usable insights and advice on how to establish, develop, deliver and sustain long-term customer satisfaction which can be the only guaranteed road to survival and success. I will use the book myself both as an educator and a senior manager/company director.’ - Michael J. Baker, Emeritus Professor of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, UK‘I have always enjoyed reading what Nigel Piercy has to say about marketing, because he always has something interesting and useful to say. This book is no exception. It is creative, original, punchy, practical, challenging, thought-provoking, actionable, and a very enjoyable read to boot. I shall definitely be recommending it to as many people as possible. It will make an enormous contribution to marketing practice.’ - Malcolm McDonald, Emeritus Professor of Marketing, Cranfield University School of Management, UK

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