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Microsoft Office 97


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Table of Contents

Preface WINDOWS 95 Introduction to Windows 95 Windows 95 Overview Lab 1: Windows 95 Basic Skills Lab 2: Windows 95 Disk Organization Lab 3: Using Windows 95 Applications MICROSOFT WORD 97 Word Processing Overview Lab 1: Creating and Editing a Document Lab 2: Formatting a Document Lab 3: Creating a Report and a Newsletter Lab 4: Creating a Table and Merging Documents Lab 5: Creating a Web Page Case Project MICROSOFT EXCEL 97 Spreadsheet Overview Lab 1: Creating a Worksheet: Part 1 Lab 2: Creating a Worksheet: Part 2 Lab 3: Managing and Analyzing a Complex Workbook Lab 4: Creating Charts Lab 5: Creating a Form Template Lab 6: Sharing Data Between Applications Case Project MICROSOFT ACCESS 97 Database Overview Lab 1: Creating a Database Lab 2: Modifying a Table and Creating a Form Lab 3: Filtering and Querying Tables Lab 4: Creating Reports and Mailing Labels Lab 5: Sharing Information Between Applications Case Project

About the Author

Tim O'Leary is a professor of IS at ASU, and has written many books on Computing and Information Systems. Linda O'Leary is a professional trainer in Computing. She has developed training manuals for large corporations, presented seminars on a wide variety of application programs, and has co-authored severalbooks with her husband, Tim.

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