Note on Translations
1. The Body on
Display: Staging the Other, Shaping the Self
Science and Spectacle: “Exotic” Bodies on Display
Fictional Encounters? Peter Altenberg’s Ashantee (1897)
Somatic Utopias: Viennese Hygiene Exhibitions
Literary Life Reform: Peter Altenberg’s Pròdrŏmŏs (1906)
Nature and Culture on Stage
2. The Body in
Pieces: Viennese Literature’s Anatomies
Becoming the Blade: Vivisection as the Primal Scene
In the Dissecting Room: Arthur Schnitzler and Marie Pappenheim
Viennese Symptoms, Human Fragments: Joseph Roth’s Journalism
The Politics and Poetics of Viennese Corpses: Carry Hauser and
Joseph Roth
Corpse as Capital: Ödön von Horváth’s Faith, Hope, and Charity
3. The Patient’s
Body: Working-Class Women in the Clinic
Finding a Voice: The Poetics of Pregnancy (Marie Pappenheim and
Ilka Maria Ungar)
Egon Schiele in the Clinic
In the Women’s Clinic: Architecture, Gaze, Film
Speaking for Suffering Mothers: Else Feldmann and Carry Hauser
The Politics and Public Visibility of Proletarian Bodies
4. The Body in
Motion: Staging Silent Expression
Body Language and Crisis of Language
Hugo von Hofmannsthal and the Power of Pantomime
Self and Other: Exploring Identity through Free Dance
Making Modern Dance Viennese
Celluloid Gestures and the Cinematic Body
The Worker’s Body: Modern Dance, Machine Culture, and Social
Alys X. George is an award-winning researcher and educator, specializing in modern Austrian and German culture and cultural history. She lives in New York City and Vienna, and has taught at New York University, the University of Notre Dame, and Stanford University.
"Historians of sexuality will be particularly impressed with
George’s departure from historiography’s focus on high culture in
modernism and her success at incorporating a rich array of sources
into the intricate sexual matrix of the fin de siècle in order to
illuminate the bodies of the Other, of the Self, of working-class
women, and of war-torn men. This approach will make her study
valuable to historians of sexuality who wish to explore the
centrality of the body in fin-de-siècle modernisms of other regions
of Europe, as well as North America. More generally, the sheer
musicality of George’s voice in The Naked Truth will delight any
artist of the written word."
*Journal of the History of Sexuality*
"In her pioneering book, George paints a new picture - with the
body at the center - of a much-studied and often misunderstood
epoch without shrinking from the dark sides and the 'naked
truth'. Therefore George presents the body - and thus Vienna -
as a place of pain and oppression, but also as a place of pleasure
and promise. To use a Musil term, she exposes the body's sense
of possibility."
*Austrian Broadcasting Corporation*
"Eloquent writing throughout. . . . [The Naked Truth] not only
expands our view of Vienna 1900, but speaks to the broader
importance of body culture in Western modernity."
*German History*
"The Naked Truth stands out for its pathbreaking
interdisciplinarity unifying developments in the 'high' arts and
culture (spanning literature and visual arts) with developments in
popular culture, including film, photography, mass media, and
exhibitions, reflecting a preoccupation with the physical body. The
book tethers a reexamination of canonical figures in Viennese
modernism—a familiar cast of characters, including Arthur
Schnitzler, Egon Schiele, Peter Altenberg, Hugo von Hofmannsthal,
and others—to relative “unknowns,” including writer and physician
Marie Pappenheim, painter Carry Hauser, and modern dancers like
Grete Wiesenthal and Gertrud Bodenwieser, disparate figures bound
together thematically through the tropes of medicine, the body, and
postmortem examination. The book impresses due to its true
interdisciplinary breadth and innovative chronology stressing
cultural continuity between the fin-de-siècle and interwar
"George musters an impressive array of written and visual sources
in this endeavor, which will interest readers in literary studies,
history of science, art history, dance studies, and beyond. She
brings canonical figures such as Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Ödön von
Horváth, and Vicki Baum into conversation with neglected but
nonetheless fascinating writers who offer insights into matters
such as autopsies (Marie Pappenheim) and childbirth (Ilka Maria
Ungar). It is a pleasure to have the provocative voices of female
modernists added to this conversation, and the grounds for their
inclusion are completely convincing. . . . George deftly and
authoritatively weaves together disparate facets of Viennese social
life, and her lucid prose is a pleasure to read."
*German Studies Review*
"This extraordinary volume is a long-over-due revision of Carl
Schorske’s Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture (Knopf 1980).
What a revision it is! George analyzes the centrality of the body
for Vienna’s modernist artists and writers, while creatively
expanding the chronology of the Viennese fin de siecle from the
late nineteenth century through 1938. In so doing, her work also
demonstrates interwar Austria’s cultural vitality, implicitly
rejecting the notion that the republic was nonviable. . . . In this
beautifully illustrated, multivalent monograph, George considers
numerous forms of high- and low-cultural production, among them
dance, exhibitions, film, literature, and various visual arts. . .
. The Naked Truth is an erudite and original contribution to the
dis-course on Vienna circa 1900. . . . This book should interest
anyone who cares about the fin de siecle; Habsburg Central Europe;
or Vienna, in any shape or form. This delightful interdisciplinary
volume will be the standard by which all subsequent analysis of
Viennese modernism is measured."
*History: Reviews of New Books*
"In drawing our attention so concertedly to the corporeal, at all
stages of life and health, this book will undoubtedly prove
generative not only for scholarship on Vienna and modernism, but as
a model of body-centered scholarship that might help us reimagine
the history of other times and places as well."
*Central European History*
"Drawing on a rich variety of archival materials, literary and
artistic works, and socio-historical examples, this
transdisciplinary book demonstrates the relevance of rigorous
humanistic inquiry that brings fields of medicine, art, literature,
and dance into conversation. In short, the aptly titled book The
Naked Truth convincingly argues for the importance of the body,
medicine, and movement as central to our understanding of Viennese
Modernism and constitutes a significant contribution to the fields
of Modernist, German, and Austrian Studies."
“A sweeping survey of the primacy of the body in the Vienna
modern, The Naked Truth demands a reorientation of our
assumptions. This book will make a difference.”
*Scott Spector, University of Michigan*
“The Naked Truth offers a brilliant challenge to popular myths
about fin-de-siècle Vienna. In its cross-disciplinary focus on the
dissected, gendered, classed, and moving body in Viennese culture,
it reads Gustav Klimt’s famous icon Nuda Veritas as a purloined
image: always in plain sight but consistently overlooked. By
including noncanonical women and expanding the frame beyond the
political divide of 1918, George gives us a supplemental and
alternative genealogy of Viennese modernism.”
*Andreas Huyssen, Columbia University*
“In this finely written and meticulously researched book, George
expands our definition of Viennese modernism. Ranging across
various art forms and media, she brings the high modernist
narrative from earlier scholarship into dialogue with popular
culture. We readers stand to profit from this enriched
conversation, learning about an age no less biopolitical than our
*Fatima Naqvi, Yale University*
"A thoughtful and intelligent overview of the role of the body in
Viennese science and culture of the fin-de-siècle and modern
*Alexanderadamsart blog*
"Alys George, a scholar of Austrian literature, art, film, and
culture, has written a sweeping study of the body in Vienna in the
era of 1890–1930 that saw an unusual collection of creative minds
in arts, literature, and sciences. The book casts a wide net over
several fields of cultural production and by doing so challenges
the understanding of Vienna as the site of 'homo psychologicus
[psychological man] as the emblematic manifestation of Viennese
culture,' launched by Carl Schorske in his classic studies from the
1960s and 1970."
*Austrian History Yearbook*
"The Naked Truth presents an incisive study of the fascination with
the body in Viennese modernism. Alys X. George has written a finely
tuned investigation of an important chapter in the cultural history
of the human body that rediscovers the complexities with which the
body was viewed in this culture."
*Journal of Modern History*
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