1. Basic science
1.1 Applied surgical anatomy
1.1.1: Vishy Mahadevan: Anatomy of the thorax
1.1.2: Vishy Mahadevan: Anatomy of the abdomen
1.1.3: Vishy Mahadevan: Anatomy of the pelvis and perineum
1.1.4: Vishy Mahadevan: Anatomy of the limbs and spine
1.1.5: Vishy Mahadevan: Head and neck anatomy
1.1.6: Vishy Mahadevan: Neuroanatomy
1.2 Applied surgical physiology
1.2.1: David Adams: Introduction to applied surgical physiology
1.2.2: Judy Harmey: Metabolic pathways, nutrition, and
1.2.3: Andrew Topping: Blood loss, hypovolaemic shock, and septic
1.2.4: Catriona Kelly, Rosalind O' Reilly, and Brian Mullan: Fluid
and electrolyte balance and replacement: Acid-base balance
1.2.5: Dermot Cox: Haemostasis and thrombosise
1.2.6: Aidan Bradford: Cardiovascular
1.2.7: Aidan Bradford: Respiratory
1.2.8: Aidan Bradford: Gastrointestinal
1.2.9: Aidan Bradford: Urinary
1.2.10: Kamalan Jeevaratnam: Endocrine
1.2.11: Kamalan Jeevaratnam: Neurology
1.3 Applied surgical pharmacology
1.3.1: Chris Brearton: Essential pharmacology for surgeons
1.4 Applied surgical pathology
1.4.1: David Lowe: Pathology
1.5 Applied surgical microbiology
1.5.1: Muhammad Raza: Sepsis
1.5.2: Manjusa Narayan and Jonathan Moore: Skin and soft tissue
1.5.3: Allison Sykes: Healthcare-associated infection
1.5.4: Shirelle Burton-Fanning and Sheila Waugh: Blood borne
1.5.5: Louise Hall: Asepsis
1.6 Applied surgical radiology
1.6.1: Jonathan Spratt: Plain film radiology for surgeons
1.6.2: Ian Minty: Nuclear medicine for surgeons
1.6.3: Ian Minty: PETCT for surgeons
1.6.4: Ishmael Chasi: MRI for surgeons
1.6.5: Pallavi Mehrotra: CT for surgeons
1.6.6: Robert Kent: Ultrasound for surgeons
1.6.7: Daniel Kusumawidjaja and Peter A. Gaines: Essential
interventional radiology for surgeons
2. Common surgical conditions
2.1 Assessing the acute abdomen
2.1.1: Tom Wiggins and James N. Crinnion: Assessing the acute
2.2 Abdominal wall and hernias
2.2.1: Peter Sedman: Abdominal wall and hernias
2.3 Upper gastro-oesophageal surgery
2.3.1: Bill Allum: Upper gastro-oesophageal surgery
2.4 Hepato-pancreato-biliary disorders
2.4.1: Graeme Poston and Robert Jones: Hepato-pancreato-biliary
2.5 Colorectal
2.5.1: Adam Kimble and Ken Hosie: Colorectal
2.6 Breast Surgery
2.6.1: Amit Goyal and Malcolm Reed: Clinical assessment and
management of benign breast disease
2.6.2: Amit Goyal and Malcolm Reed: Breast cancer treatment
2.6.3: Mymoona Alzouebi and Matthew Hatton: Non-surgical treatment
of breast cancer
2.7 Vascular surgery
2.7.1: Christopher Butler: Chronic arterial insufficiency
2.7.2: Frank Smith and Timothy Beckitt: Acute limb ischaemia
2.7.3: Andrew W Bradbury and Katy Darvall: Venous and lymphatic
2.7.4: Rob Sayers and Robert Davies: Aneurysms
2.7.5: Ross Naylor: Transient ischaemic attacks and stroke
2.8 Cardiac and pulmonary surgery
2.8.1: Leslie Hamilton: Cardiac surgery
2.8.2: Sasha Stamenkovic: Pulmonary surgery
2.9 Genitourinary surgery
2.9.1: Neil Burgess: Stones and infections
2.9.2: Jim Catto and Aidan Noon: Genitourinary malignancies
2.9.3: Mary Garthwaite: Benign prostatic hyperplasis and
obstructive uropathy
2.9.4: Ian Eardley: Benign scrotal and penile conditions
2.10 Orthopaedic surgery
2.10.1: Hemant Sharma and Kevin Sherman: Common fractures and
2.10.2: Pierre Nasr and Vikas Khanduja: Denererative and
inflammatory joint disease
2.10.3: Jehangir Mahaluxmivala and Daoud Makki: Bone and joint
2.10.4: David Sharp: Back pain and sciatica
2.10.5: Helen Cattermole: Malignant and metastatic bone disease
2.11 Skin and soft tissue masses
2.11.1: Mandeep Kang and David Ward: Benign and malignant skin
2.11.2: Mandeep Kang and David Ward: Soft tissue masses
2.12 Head and neck surgery
2.12.1: Y Ramakrishnan and Maurice Hawthorne: Benign and malignant
lesions of the head and neck
2.12.2: Maurice Hawthorne: Upper airway obstruction
2.12.3: Maurice Hawthorne: Ear pain and hearing loss
2.13 Neurosurgery
2.13.1: Ian Sabin and Mark Wilson: Common neurosurgical
2.13.2: Ian Sabin: Neuro-oncology
2.14 Endocrine surgery
2.14.1: Sheila Fraser and Mark Lansdown: Endocrine surgery
2.15 Surgical oncology
2.15.1: Paul Sutton, Declan Dunne, Anita Hargreaves and Graeme
Poston: Cancer screening
2.15.2: D. Gomes, H.Z. Malik, S. Fenwick and Graeme Poston:
Principles of surgical oncology
2.15.3: Robert P. Jones, Derek McWhirter and Graeme Poston:
Principles of chemotherapy
2.15.4: Chris D. Lee, Marcel Den Dulk and Arthur Sun Myint: General
principles of radiation oncology
2.15.5: Declan Dunne, Derek McWhirter and Graeme Poston: Hormon
therapy in cancer
3 Basic surgical skills
3.1 Principles of safe surgery
3.1.1: Amitabh Mishra and Peter NcCulloch: Principles of safe
3.2 Anaesthetic techniques
3.2.1: Stephen Wilson and Daniele Dryden: Anaesthetic
3.3 Basic surgical techniques
3.3.1: David Smith and Jamie Young: Basic surgical techniques
3.4 Surgical wounds
3.4.1: James N Crinnion: Surgical wounds
3.5 Surgical haemostasis
3.5.1: Yassar Qureshi and Nigel Tai: Surgical haemostasis
3.6 Anatomoses and drains
3.6.1: Dermot Burke: Anatomoses and drains
3.7 Principles of surgical endoscopy and minimal access surgery
3.7.1: Katie Schwab, Deepak Singh-Ranger and Timothy Rockall:
Principles of surgical endoscopy and minimal access surgery
3.8 Simulation and assessment
3.8.1: Pram Sirimanna, Grace Lee, Sonal Arora and Rajesh Aggrarwal:
Simulation and assessment
4. Assessment and management of the surgical patient
4.1 History taking and information gathering
4.1.1: Michelle Marshall and Caroline Woodley: History taking and
information gathering
4.2 Physical examination
4.2.1: Caroline Woodley: Physical examination
4.3 Information sharing
4.3.1: Michelle Marshall: Information sharing
4.4 Surgical consent
4.4.1: Robbie Lonsdale: Surgical consent
5. Peri-operative management
5.1 Pre-operative assessment
5.1.1: Mireille Berthoud: Pre-operative assessment
5.2 Intra-operative Care
5.2.1: David Cressey: Intra-operative Care
5.3 Post-operative Care
5.3.1: Gary Mills and Jeremy Groves: Post-operative Care
5.4 Nutritional management
5.4.1: Mattias Soop and Gordon Carlson: Nutritional management
5.5 Enhanced recovery
5.5.1: Dileep Lobo: Enhanced recovery
5.6 Principles of transfusion and haemostasis
5.6.1: Jeff Garner and Andi Fletcher: Principles of transfusion and
5.7 Venous thromboembolism: Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary
5.7.1: David Chadwick and Rob Robinson: Venous thromboembolism:
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
5.8 Metabolic and endocrine disorders in the peri-operative
5.8.1: David Chadwick and Rob Robinson: Metabolic and endocrine
disorders in the peri-operative period
6. Assessment and management of patients with major trauma
6.1 Assessment of the multiply injured patient
6.1.1: Matthew Moran: ABCD of ATLS
6.1.2: Triage
6.1.3: Tissue response to injury
6.1.4: Shock
6.1.5: Priorities of care
6.1.6: Adult respiratory distress syndrome
6.2 Principles of management of soft tissue injuries
6.2.1: Nada Al-Hadithy: Skin loss
6.2.2: Burns: classification and princples of management
6.3 The acute management of major/multiple fractures and
6.3.1: John Keating: Classification
6.3.2: Pathophysiology of fractures
6.3.3: Complications
6.3.4: Joint injuries
6.4 Principles of specific injuries
6.4.1: John Clasper: Trauma of conflict zones
6.4.2: Lynn Myles: Head and neurological injury
6.4.3: Tim Graham: Chest injury
6.4.4: Bruce Tulloh: Abdominal injury
6.4.5: Zahid Raza: Vascular injury: latrogenic injury including
intravascular drug abuse; crush injury and compartment syndrome;
tourniquet use; shunts, revascularisation and amputations
7. Surgical care of the paediatric patient
7.1 Principles of paediatric
7.1.1: Nicola R.K. Anders: Principles of paediatric
7.2 Principles of child protection and governance
7.2.1: Alison Pike: Principles of child protection and
7.3 Common paediatric surgical conditions
7.3.1: Ross J. Craigie and James A. Morecroft: Common paediatric
surgical conditions
8. Management of the dying patient
8.1 Management of the dying patient in consultation with the
palliative care team
8.1.1: Katharine Burke, Bee Wee and William Noble: Management of
the dying patient in consultation with the palliative care team
8.2 Terminal care of the dying patient, supporting their family,
and ethical considerations
8.2.1: Katharine Burke, Bee Wee, and William Noble: Terminal Care
of the dying patient, supporting their family, and ethical
9. Principles of organ and tissue transplantation
9.1 Organ donation
9.1.1: Chris Callaghan and Pankaj Chandak: Organ donation
9.2 Principles of the transplant immunology
9.2.1: Eleanor Bolton and Andrew Bradley: Principles of the
transplant immunology
9.3 Kidney transplantation
9.3.1: Andrew Bradley and M. Nicholson: Kidney transplantation
9.4 Pancreas transplantation
9.4.1: John Casey: Pancreas transplantation
9.5 Liver transplantation
9.5.1: Simon Harper and R. Praseedom: Liver transplantation
10. Evidence based surgery, research, and audit
10.1 Research in surgery
10.1.1: Alan Montgomery and Jane Blazeby: Research in surgery
10.2 Quality improvement
10.2.1: Rob Bethune and Jane Blazeby: Quality improvement
10.3 Statistics for surgeons
10.3.1: Vimal J Gokani and Matthew J. Bown: Statistics for
Mr William E. G. Thomas is Consultant Surgeon Emeritus and former
Clinical Director of Surgery at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust
having been appointed in 1986. Mr Thomas have also held the posts
of Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Surgery, University of
Sheffield and past Member of Council and Senior Vice President, of
the Royal College of Surgeons of England and past Dean of the
Academy of Education of the International Society of Surgery. Mr
Thomas was a
member of the Founding Council of the Faculty of Medical Leadership
and Management, and Founder and Executive Board Member of the
International Collaboration for Essential Surgery (ICES). Mr
Reed is a Professor of Surgical Oncology and an Honorary Consultant
at Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield. He then underwent
surgical training in Birmingham, Derby and Bristol before moving to
the University of Louisville in the United States to undertake a
research MD. He returned to Sheffield and undertook higher surgical
training before becoming appointed a Senior Lecturer and Honorary
Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in 1992. He
was then appointed to the Foundation
Chair in Surgical Oncology at the University of Sheffield in 2000.
Subsequent roles included Head of Academic Surgery and Head of the
University Department of Oncology. He was appointed Dean of
and Sussex Medical School in 2014 and is currently a member of the
Medical Schools Council and an external examiner for the final year
medical school exams at the University of Leeds. He has previous
held external examinerships at UCL, the University of Nottingham
and the University of Kuwait. Mr Michael Wyatt is an NHS Consultant
with a major interest in treating complex thoracic and abdominal
aortic disease, using both open and stent graft technologies.
Having qualified from Newcastle
University, he trained in surgery in Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter and
London. Mr Wyatt presents and publishes widely on all aspects of
vascular disease, and was the President of the Vascular Society of
Britain and Ireland (President, 2015-6). His other external
responsibilities are as Treasurer of the British Journal of Surgery
Society, Clinical Editor of Surgery, Vice Chair of the Ethics
Committee, Chair of the General Surgical Training Committee, Vice
Chair of the Vascular Surgery Clinical Reference Group and Chairman
of the Society of International Vascular Surgeons. He runs a busy
tertiary referral vascular practice at the Freeman Hospital, where
he receives referrals from all over the
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