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Phases of Capitalist Development


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Table of Contents

Preface Notes on the Contributors Introduction International Relations and Capitalist Discipline; K.van der Pijl The Fortunes of Capitalism: A Phase of Ex-Capitalist Transition; J.Bell & T.T.Sekine Capitalist Development in World Historical Perspective; G.Arright & J.W.Moore Class Struggle and the Global Overaccumulation of Capital; S.Clarke The State, Globalization, and Phases of Capitalist Development; D.M.Kotz Spiral Reversal of Capitalist Development: What Does it Imply for the Twenty-First Century?; M.Itoh Capitalism in the Future Perfect Tense; R.Albritton Periodizing Capitalism: Technology, Institutions, and Relations of Production; G.Duménil & D.Lévy Space, Regulation, and the Capitalist Economy: S.Resnick Has the Empire Struck Back?; A.Freeman Imperialist Contradictions at the Threshold of the Third Millennium: A New Phase?; G.Carchedi Periodizing Capitalism and Analysing Imperialism: Classical Marxism and Capitalist Evolution; A.Callinicos Growth and Change in the World Economy Since 1950; J.J.Webber & D.L.Rigby Globalize, Globa-lize, Global Lies: Myth of the World Economy in the 1990s; J.Weeks What Follows Fordism? On the Periodization of Capitalism and its Regulation; B.Jessop Phases of Capitalism and Post-Capitalist Social Change; R.Westra Bibliography Index

Promotional Information

SABAH ALNASSERI Assistant Lecturer in Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main GIOVANNO ARRIGHT Professor of Sociology and Director, Institute for Global Studies, The John Hopkins University JOHN R. BELL Lecturer, School of Liberal Studies, Seneca College, Toronto ULRICH BRAND Research Assistant in Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main ALEX CALLINICOS Professor of Politics, University of York, United Kingdom GUGLIELMO CARCHEDI Senior Research Officer, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam SIMON CLARKE Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick GAeRARD DUMAeNIL Research Director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, MODEM, University of Paris X-Nanterre ALAN FREEMAN Professor of Economics, University of Greenwich, London BOB JESSOP Professor of Sociology, Lancaster University, United Kingdom SAMUEL KNAFO Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto DAVID M. KOTZ Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst DOMINIQUE LAeVY Research Director,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CEPREMAP, Paris ALAIN LIPIETZ Member of the European Parliament and Research Director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CEPREMAP, Paris J.W.MOORE Doctoral Candidate, The John Hopkins University STEPHEN RESNICK Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst DAVID L. RIGBY Associate Professor of Geography, University of Calilfornia, Los Angeles THOMAS SABLOWSKI Research Assistant in Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main THOMAS T. SEKINE School of Commerce, Aichi-Gakuin University, Japan KEES VAN DR PIJL Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex, United Kingdom MICHAEL J. WEBBER Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Melbourne JOHN WEEKS Professor of Development Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, London JENS WINTER Doctoral Candidate, University of Bremen, Germany

About the Author

ROBERT ALBRITTON is Professor of Political Science at York University in Toronto, Canada. His recent publications include A Japanese Approach to States of Capitalist Development, Dialects and Deconstruction in Political Economy and, The Unique Ontology of Capital in Marx's Theories Today. - MAKOTO ITOH is Professor of Economics at Kokugakuin University in Tokyo. His books include The Basic Theory of Capitalism, The World Economic Crisis and Japanese Capitalism, Political Economy for Socialism and numerous works in Japanese. - RICHARD WESTRA is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. His most recent publication is A Japanese Contribution to the Critique of Rational Choice Marxism in Social Theory and Practice. - ALAN ZUEGE is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at York University in Toronto. He is a contributing editor of the Socialist Register and has recently published articles in Monthly Review and Socialist Register 2000.

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