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The Progressive Revolution


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Table of Contents

Chapter One—On Law
1. Justice Clarence Thomas—my friend
2. Justice Kennedy channels Alfred Kinsey
3. Atlanta’s criminal injustice system
4. Obama, Ayers, Dorhn and double jeopardy
5. Laurence Tribe’s Tribalisms
6. Where are Scalia’s intellectual children?
7. The Supremes Vote against the Republic
8. Obama 2001, uncensored
9. Obama and our coming constitutional crisis
10. An American oligarchy of 5
11. Justices gone wild
12. Fleecing Florida’s landowners
13. No ‘real victims’ in Spitzer case?
14. A ‘reasonable person’ in an unreasonable world
15. Are your 2nd Amendments rights safe?
16. Tyranny of the American Bar Association
17. The treachery of Brown v. Board of Education
18. Mike Nifong and the sin of ambition
19. Judges gone wild
20. Common Law vs. Continental Law: Rules vs. Truth
21. The real Medellin Cartel
22. Law 101: The Commerce Clause, FDR & Original Intent
23. Are hate crimes constitutional?
Chapter Two—On Politics
1. What is Plantation Liberalism?
2. Why does the left so hate America?
3. Is Giuliani a dime-store Dewey?
4. RINO careerists: Nothing more than traitors
5. Goebbels, Paterson, Obama and the eternal lie
6. Obama, Blago and ‘The Chicago Way’
7. Rangel’s rank hypocrisy
8. Limbaugh: Our link to Reagan conservatism
9. Why Kwame gets a pass in Detroit
10. A Savage prediction for McCain
11. Are liberal Democrats the real racists?
12. The day I took fire from ‘Obama’
13. A critique of President George W. Bush
14. Teflon brothers: Barack and Kwame
15. What I’d do as president
16. What I’d do as president, Part 2
17. What I’d do as president, Part 3
18. If I were mayor of Detroit
19. If I were mayor of Detroit, Part 2
20. A critique of Justice Thurgood Marshall
21. The real Medellin Cartel
22. D-Day for Kwame (6 years late)
23. Why I became a conservative
24. Calling all criminals: Come to Detroit!
25. FDR’s legacy: Tyranny
26. Rep. William Jefferson and other false prophets
27. Why I praise Sen. Joseph McCarthy
28. Neville Chamberlain’s revenge
29. Is Islam compatible with a Republic?
30. D-Day in Denver?
31. Barackracy Hypocrisy
32. An Angel(ica) descends in Detroit
Chapter Three—On Foreign Policy
1. War for oil? I wish it had been
2. The canary in the mine
3. Condi plays piano while Islam destroys the West
4. Liberalism bombs Bombay
5. Does Colin Powell believe in the Powell Doctrine?
6. Happy 60th birthday, Israel!
7. Reagan vindicated: SDI works
8. The Osama bin Laden Equal Protection Act [O.B.L.E.P.A.]
9. Why is Israel afraid to be Israel?
10. Obsolete lawyers and IEDs
11. U.N. treachery, the Nuremberg Trials and the seeds of 9/11
12. ‘De-Islamatization’ Why it must be done
Chapter Four—On Philosophy
1. Hitler’s ideology, ‘right-wing’?
2. How Thomas Hobbes is helping destroy America
3. Egalitarianism, sports and rewarding failure
4. I think, therefore I am [On Descartes]
5. Machiavelli in the house
6. Communism then and now [On Karl Marx]
7. It’s all about pleasure? [On John Stuart Mill]
8. Rousseau and the savageness of humanity
9. Nietzsche and the damnation of ideas
10. Black Democrats and the ‘Battered Wife Syndrome’
11. 3 legends face Judgment Day
12. Symposium—A Socratic dialogue on greatness
13. Symposium—Should public education be free?
14. Symposium—Should public school be mandatory?
15. Hellary: Machiavelli’s evil twin
Chapter Five—On Aesthetics
1. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, R.I.P.
2. Symposium—Clara Wieck: The anti-feminist feminist
3. Requiem for Sen. Joseph McCarthy
4. 3 classical views on government
5. The curse of beauty
6. Symposium—Why secularists hid Bach’s music {The forgotten genius}
7. A Christmas Valentine
Chapter Six—On the Academy
1. Reparations or redemption?
2. A letter to Professor Laurence Tribe on Veritas
3. Harvard, the Ivy League and the forgotten Puritans
4. Is a college degree required for success?
5. Our leftist propaganda factories
6. Stalin in Detroit
7. Symposium—Dialogue with a crazy liberal professor
8. Universities of socialism
9. Harvard’s propaganda for Obama (On Professor Cass Sunstein)
Chapter Seven—On Religion
1. A giant in a wheelchair
2. Obama, Bishop T.D. Jakes and Me
3. Obama, me and our pastors
4. Unto us a Son is given
5. 10 Commandments of post-‘60s liberalism
Chapter Eight—On Economics
1. Faust, Greenspan and America’s financial collapse
2. Obama and the virtue of selfishness
3. I praise the poor
Chapter Nine—On Science
1. Darwin’s deadly delusions
2. California burning
3. Symposium: Freud’s legacy—Does medication = healing?
Chapter Ten—On Culture and Society
1. Clarence Thomas’ ‘My Grandfather’s Son’
2. Time for revolution?
3. A Tale of Two Cities: Grosse Pointe and Detroit
4. The bewildering mind of President Geo. W. Bush
5. Spitzer, Kilpatrick and the road to perdition
6. KKK or KKK (Kwame ‘Klan’ Kilpatrick)?
7. Today’s unborn blacks: More vulnerable than slaves
8. Detroit’s middle-finger salute
9. Clarence Thomas: No ‘Black self-respect’?
10. Detroit rapper: Our mayor’s a murderer
11. Liberalism triumphs in Detroit’s demise
12. Another pathological black mayor
13. Blacks slaves again … to the Democrat Party
14. I remember Detroit
15. PC = Perversity (not political) Correctness
16. Queen Oprah and her anointed squire
17. What ruined Detroit?
18. Ira Einhorn, Al Gore and the Cult of Celebrity
19. Heresy in Denver
20. Critical thinkers vs. Kool-Aid drinkers?
21. Birmingham on the brink
22. How the Detroit Lions mirror their host city
23. Arbitrary Ideas: Hollywood, Reagan and imbeciles voting
24. Same-sex marriage a right?
25. Is liberalism political madness?
26. Where’s Gen. Patton when you need him?
27. A critique of Dr. Martin Luther King
28. Detroit’s ‘Operation Sistergirl’
29. Detroit’s tragic love affair with liberalism
30. Why Blacks vote against their own interests
31. Obscurity was good for me
Epilogue—On History
1. Liberal Fascism through the Ages

About the Author

Ellis Washington is a former editor on the Michigan Law Review and law clerk at The Rutherford Institute. He is an instructor at the National Paralegal College, the American College of Education, and Spring Arbor University where he teaches law, politics, history, education, and humanities. Washington is a co-host on Joshua's Trial, a radio show of Christian conservative thought. He holds degrees from DePauw University, University of Michigan, John Marshall Law School, Michigan State University, and Harvard. Washington has written extensively on constitutional law, jurisprudence, history, politics, philosophy, critical race theory, and numerous other subjects. Visit his website www.EllisWashingtonReport.com.


…A shining, yet alarming look at the dark side of American culture. A must read for anyone who cares about the future of the American nation.
*William Wagner, former U.S. Magistrate judge; professor, Thomas M. Cooley Law School*

Washington is an erudite scholar. Agree or disagree, this book is worth reading.
*John W. Whitehead, Attorney; Founder/President of The Rutherford Institute; author, The Freedom Wars*

Whether you agree with his views or not, the author's unflinching political incorrectness and incisive erudition is what is needed to resuscitate academic and socio-political debate in the USA and the West. The epithet 'page-turner' is usually reserved to thrillers, but this cornucopial tome deserves it richly.
*Sam Vaknin, editor-in-chief, Global Politician; author, Malignant Self-Love*

Washington is a gifted writer, analyst, legal scholar and historian. We’re privileged to publish his work in WND.
*Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer, WND.com and WND Books*

Washington is a meticulous historian, keen political analyst, and discerning lawyer…. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to connect the dots between history, politics. and morality. Ellis Washington is the Thomas Sowell of his generation.
*Ann Fishman, legal analyst; founder of Liberty Legal Foundation International*

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