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Queenan's Management of High-risk Pregnancy - an Evidence-based Approach 6E


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Table of Contents

List of Contributors, vii

Foreword, xi

Preface, xii

Acknowledgments, xii

List of Abbreviations, xiii

Part 1 Factors of High-Risk Pregnancy

1 Overview of High-Risk Pregnancy, 1
John T. Queenan, Catherine Y. Spong, and Charles J. Lockwood

2 Maternal Nutrition, 4
Edward R. Newton

3 Alcohol and Substance Abuse, 23
William F. Rayburn

4 Environmental Agents and Reproductive Risk, 32
Laura Goetzl

Part 2 Genetics

5 Genetic Screening for Mendelian Disorders, 41
Deborah A. Driscoll

6 Screening for Congenital Heart Disease, 47
Lynn L. Simpson

7 First- and Second-Trimester Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy and Neural Tube Defects, 55
Julia Unterscheider and Fergal D. Malone

Part 3 Monitoring: Biochemical and Biophysical

8 Sonographic Dating and Standard Fetal Biometry, 63
Eliza Berkley and Alfred Abuhamad

9 Fetal Lung Maturity, 75
Alessandro Ghidini and Sarah H. Poggi

10 Antepartum Fetal Monitoring, 79
Brian L. Shaffer and Julian T. Parer

11 Interpreting Intrapartum Fetal Heart Tracings, 89
Michael Nageotte

Part 4 Maternal Disease

12 Sickle Cell Anemia, 93
Scott Roberts

13 Anemia, 98
Alessandro Ghidini

14 Thrombocytopenia, 102
Robert M. Silver

15 Inherited and Acquired Thrombophilias, 108
Michael J. Paidas

16 Thromboembolic Disorders, 121
Christian M. Pettker and Charles J. Lockwood

17 Cardiac Disease, 131
Stephanie R. Martin, Alexandria J. Hill, and Michael R. Foley

18 Renal Disease, 151
David C. Jones

19 Pregnancy in Transplant Patients, 160
James R. Scott

20 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, 168
Deborah L. Conway

21 Diabetes Mellitus, 174
George Saade

22 Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, 178
Brian Casey

23 Asthma, 183
Michael Schatz

24 Epilepsy, 193
Autumn M. Klein and Page B. Pennell

25 Chronic Hypertension, 204
Heather A. Bankowski and Dinesh M. Shah

26 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 209
Christina S. Han and Edmund F. Funai

27 Perinatal Infections, 218
Jeanne S. Sheffield

28 Malaria, 231
Richard M.K. Adanu

29 Group B Streptococcal Infection, 234
Ronald S. Gibbs

30 Hepatitis, 238
Patrick Duff

31 HIV Infection, 243
Howard L. Minkoff

32 Pregnancy in Women with Physical Disabilities, 253
Caroline C. Signore

Part 5 Obstetric Complications

33 Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion, 260
Charles J. Lockwood

34 Cervical Insufficiency, 271
John Owen

35 Gestational Hypertension, Preeclampsia, and Eclampsia, 280
Labib M. Ghulmiyyah and Baha M. Sibai

36 Postpartum Hemorrhage, 289
Michael A. Belfort

37 Emergency Care, 301
Garrett K. Lam and Michael R. Foley

38 Rh and Other Blood Group Alloimmunizations, 307
Kenneth J. Moise Jr

39 Multiple Gestations, 314
Karin E. Fuchs and Mary E. D’Alton

40 Polyhydramnios and Oligohydramnios, 327
Ron Beloosesky and Michael G. Ross

41 Prevention of Preterm Birth, 337
Paul J. Meis

42 Pathogenesis and Prediction of Preterm Delivery, 346
Catalin S. Buhimschi and Charles J. Lockwood

43 Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes, 364
Brian M. Mercer

44 Management of Preterm Labor, 374
Vincenzo Berghella

45 Placenta Previa and Related Placental Disorders, 382
Yinka Oyelese

Part 6 Complications of Labor and Delivery

46 Prolonged Pregnancy, 391
Teresa Marino and Errol R. Norwitz

47 Induction of Labor, 399
Nicole M. Petrossi and Deborah A. Wing

48 Cesarean Delivery, 406
Michael W. Varner

49 Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery, 414
Mark B. Landon

50 Breech Delivery, 424
Edward R. Yeomans and Larry C. Gilstrap

51 Operative Vaginal Delivery, 429
Edward R. Yeomans

52 Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia, 43
Gilbert J. Grant

53 Patient Safety, 439
Christian M. Pettker

54 Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy, 445
Maged M. Costantine, Mary E. D’Alton, and Gary D.V. Hankins

Part 7 Procedures

55 Genetic Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling, 453
Ronald J. Wapner

56 Fetal Surgery, 464
Robert H. Ball and Hanmin Lee

Index, 475

The color plate section can be found facing p. 192

About the Author

Edited by John T. Queenan, MD, Professor and Chair Emeritus,Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Georgetown UniversitySchool of Medicine , Washington, DC, USA Catherine Y. Spong, MD, Bethesda, MD, USA Charles J. Lockwood, MD, Anita O Keeffe YoungProfessor & Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, andReproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT,USA


Overall, it is a well-written book that focuses on thecommon problems encountered in dealing with high riskpregnancies. (The Obstetrician &Gynaecologist, 3 July 2014) The 6th edition is an up-to-date classic textbook whichprovides the reader with a practical approach to the management ofhigh-risk pregnancies. I can highly recommend this textbook as avaluable resource for any obstetrician dealing with high-riskpregnancies. (Acta Obstetricia Et GynecologicaScandinavica, 29 January 2014) This is a very nice addition to a physician's library. Itis easy to read and comprehend and written by authorities in thefield. (Doody s, 27 July 2012)

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