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Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures ix

Acknowledgements xi

Introduction: Social Economics and Sustainability / MikeGismondi, Sean Connelly, Mary Beckie, Sean Markey, and MarkRoseland

1 Towards Convergence: An Exploratory Framework 7 / SeanConnelly, Mike Gismondi, Sean Markey, and Mark Roseland

2 The Green Social Economy in British Columbia and Alberta 27 /Mike Gismondi, Lynda Ross, and Juanita Marois

3 The Role of the Social Economy in Scaling Up Alternative FoodInitiatives 59 / Mary Beckie and Sean Connelly

4 Human Services and the Caring Society 83 / JohnRestakis

5 Towards Sustainable Resource Management: Community Energy andForestry in British Columbia and Alberta 113 / Julie L.MacArthur

6 Evolving Conceptions of the Social Economy: The Arts, Culture, andTourism in Alert Bay 147 / Kelly Vodden, Lillian Hunt, and RandyBell

7 Non-Profit and Co-operative Organizations and the Provision ofSocial Housing 171 / George Penfold, Lauren Rethoret, and TerriMacDonald

8 Land Tenure Innovations for Sustainable Communities 195 /Marena Brinkhurst and Mark Roseland

9 Sustaining Social Democracy Through Heritage-Building Conservation223 / Noel Keough, Mike Gismondi, and ErinSwift-Leppäkumpu

10 Strong Institutions, Weak Strategies: Credit Unions and the RuralSocial Economy 249 / Sean Markey, Freya Kristensen, and StewartPerry

Conclusion "Social Economizing" Sustainability 271 /Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, and Sean Markey

List of Contributors 299

About the Author

Mike Gismondi is professor of sociology and globalstudies in the Centre for Social Sciences at Athabasca University.Sean Connelly is currently lecturer in geography atthe University of Otago and a research associate with the Centre forSustainable Community Development at Simon Fraser University.Mary Beckie is an associate professor in theUniversity of Alberta’s Faculty of Extension. SeanMarkey is an associate professor with the School of Resourceand Environmental Management and an associate with the Centre forSustainable Community Development at Simon Fraser University.Mark Roseland is professor of planning in the SimonFraser University’s School of Resource and EnvironmentalManagement and director of the SFU Centre for Sustainable CommunityDevelopment.

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