1. Why Write?
Using The Sundance Writer. The Rhetoric. Writing in the Information
Age. The Reader. Writing in College. The Research Paper. Grammar
and Handbook. Strategies for Succeeding in Composition.
2. The Writing Process: An Overview.
What Is Writing? Developing a Composing Style. Creating a Composing
Style. Writing on a Computer. Strategies for Writing on a Computer.
Writer's Block. Strategies for Overcoming Writer's Block.
E-Writing: Exploring Writing Resources Online. E-Sources.
Companion Website: The Writing Process.
3. The Writing Context.
What Is Good Writing? The Writer. The Writer's Purpose. The
Writer's Role. The Reader. Individual Readers. Extended Audiences.
The Perceptual World. Evaluating Readers. The Discourse Community.
The Document. Strategies for Writing Specialized Documents.
Writings in Context. Lyndon Baines Johnson, Letter to Ho Chi Minh,
April-10, 1967. Molly Ivins, A Short Story about the Vietnam War
Memorial. Strategies for Establishing Context. E-Writing: Exploring
Writing Context Online. E-Sources. Companion Website: The Writing
4. Critical Thinking: Seeing with a Writer's Eye.
What Is Critical Thinking? How to See with a Writer's Eye.
Strategies for Increasing Critical Thinking. Common Errors in
Critical Thinking. Ignoring the Role of Coincidence. Hasty
Generalizations or Jumping to Conclusions. Relying on Anecdotal
Evidence. Mistaking Time Relationships for Cause and Effect (post
hoc, ergo propter hoc). Making Faulty Comparisons (False
Analogies). Assuming Trends Will Continue, Making Slippery Slope"
Judgments. Creating "Either-Or" Dilemmas. Relying on False
Authorities, Attacking Personalities, and Guilt by Association.
Using Circular Reasoning (Begging the Question). Making Emotional
and Irrelevant Statements (Red Herrings). Critical Thinking
Checklist. E-Writing: Exploring Critical Thinking Online.
E-Sources. Companion Website: Critical Thinking.
5. Prewriting Strategies: Getting Started.
What Is Prewriting? Prewriting Strategies. Free writing.
Brainstorming. Asking Questions. Clustering. Strategies for
Prewriting. E-Writing: Exploring Prewriting Strategies Online.
E-Sources. Companion Website: Prewriting Strategies.
6. Developing a Thesis.
What Is a Thesis? Elements of a Thesis Statement. Locating the
Thesis. Explicit, Evolving, and Implied Theses. Explicit Thesis
Statements. Evolving Thesis Statements. Implied Thesis Statements.
Strategies for Developing Thesis Statements. E-Writing: Exploring
Thesis Statements Online. E-Sources. Companion Website: Developing
a Thesis.
7. Supporting a Thesis.
What Is Support? Personal Observations. Personal Experiences.
Examples. Facts. Testimony (Quotations). Analogies (Comparisons).
Statistics. Strategies for Using Statistics. Documenting Sources.
Strategies for Using Evidence. E-Writing: Exploring Thesis Support
Online. E-Sources. Companion Website: Supporting a Thesis.
8. Organizing Ideas.
What Is Organization? Informal and Formal Outlines. Writing Titles
and Introductions. Titles. Introductions. Organizing the Body of an
Essay. Chronological: Organizing by Time. Spatial: Organizing by
Division. Emphatic: Organizing by Importance. Writing Conclusions.
Summarize the Thesis and Main Points. End with a Question. Conclude
with a Quotation. End with a Strong Image. Conclude with a
Challenging Statement. Moving from Prewriting to Planning. Planning
Checklist. Strategies for Overcoming Problems in Organization.
E-Writing: Exploring Organization Online. E-Sources. Companion
Website: Organizing Ideas.
9. Developing Paragraphs.
What Are Paragraphs? Developing Paragraphs. Creating Topic
Sentences. Using Modes. Emphasizing Transitions. Organizing
Dialogue. Paragraph Style. Strategies for Developing Paragraphs.
E-Writing: Exploring Paragraphs Online. E-Sources. Companion
Website: Developing Paragraphs.
10. Writing the First Draft.
What Is a First Draft? Strategies for Writing the First Draft.
Avoiding Plagiarism. Making Writing Decisions. Choosing the Right
Words. Writing Effective Sentences. Writing Paragraphs. Moving from
Plan to First Draft. Strategies for Overcoming Problems in the
First Draft. E-Writing: Exploring Writing the First Draft Online.
E-Sources. Companion Website: Writing the First Draft.
11. Revising and Rewriting.
What Is Revision? Developing a Revising Style. Strategies for
Revising. Strategies for Peer Review. Revising Elements of the
First Draft. Look at the Big Picture. Introduction Checklist.
Paragraph Checklist. Conclusion Checklist. Improving Paragraphs.
Revising the First Draft. Strategies for Overcoming Problems in
Revising. E-Writing: Exploring Revision Online. E-Sources.
Companion Website: Revising and Rewriting.
12. Editing and Proofreading.
What Are Editing and Proofreading? Strategies for Editing. Common
Grammar Errors. Editing Sentences. Sentence Checklist. Editing
Words. Diction Checklist. Strategies for Proofreading. Common
Mechanical Errors. Spelling and Usage Errors. Strategies for
Overcoming Problems in Editing and Proofreading. E-Writing:
Exploring Editing Online. E-Sources. Companion Website: Editing and
13. Analyzing Visuals: Seeing with a "Writer's Eye."
Introduction to Visual Rhetoric. Photographs, Film, and Video.
Perspective and Contrast. Context. Visual Connotations. Timing and
Duplication. Manipulating Images. Gender and Cultural Issues.
Perception and Analysis. Strategies for Analyzing Visual Images.
Captions. Strategies for Analyzing Captions. Graphics. Strategies
for Analyzing Graphics. E-Writing: Exploring Visual Images Online.
E-Sources. The History of an Image. Capturing the Moment. The
Making of an Icon. Confusion and Controversy. The Other Flag
14. Writing with Visuals.
Introduction to Visual Rhetoric. Visuals and the Writing Context.
The Role of Visuals. Types of Visuals. Photographs. Strategies for
Using Photographs. Tables, Graphs, and Charts. Strategies for Using
Tables, Graphs, and Charts. Captions. Strategies for Writing
Captions. Understanding Fair Use. Strategies for Using Visuals in
College Writing. E-Writing: Exploring Images Online. E-Sources.
15. Business and Professional Writing.
What Is Business and Professional Writing? E-mail. Strategies for
Writing E-mail. Sample E-mail. Résumés and Cover Letters.
Strategies for Writing Résumés. Professional Résumé. Student Résumé
Including Previous Experience. Cover Letters. Strategies for
Writing Cover Letters. Letter Responding to Personal Referral.
Letter Responding to Job Announcement. Putting Your Résumé to Work.
Business and Professional Reports. Sample Business Report.
Strategies for Successful Business and Professional Writing. For
Further Reading. E-Writing: Exploring Business and Professional
Writing Online. E-Sources. Companion Website: Business and
Professional Writing.
16. Special Writing Contexts.
What Are Special Writing Contexts? Collaborative Writing.
Strategies for Collaborative Writing. Online Writing Groups.
Strategies for Working in Online Writing Groups. Writing as a
Representative of Others. Strategies for Writing as a
Representative. Broadcasting to Mass Audiences. Strategies for
Writing to Mass Audiences. Writing to Multiple Readers. Strategies
for Writing to Multiple Readers. Giving Oral and Multimedia
Presentations. Strategies for Giving Oral and Multimedia
Presentations. E-Writing: Exploring Special Writing Contexts
Online. E-Sources. Companion Website: Special Writing Contexts.
17. Becoming a Critical Reader: Reading with a "Writer's Eye."
What Is Critical Reading? How to Read With a Writer's Eye. First
Reading. Second Reading. Build Your Own Occasion For Writing.
Before Class Discussion. Emily Prager, Our Barbies, Ourselves
(annotated). Using the Reader. Strategies for Critical Reading.
E-Writing: Exploring Reading Online. E-Sources. Companion Website:
Critical Reading.
18. Description: Presenting Impressions.
What Is Description? The Rhetorical Patterns of Inquiry. Objective
and Subjective Description. The Language of Description. Writing
Description. Student Paper: "My Bug." Suggested Topics for Writing
Description. General Assignments. Build Your Own Occasion for
Writing. Writing in Context. Strategies for Reading Description.
Jonathan Schell, Letter From Ground Zero (annotated). E-Reading:
The War on Terrorism. Daniel C. Maguire, When I Boarded the Midwest
Express to Washington, D.C. on September-11. Charles Krauthammer,
Only in Their Dreams. Caryle Murphy, The War on Terrorism: Why It
Will Be a Long One. Husain Haqqani, The American Mongols. A. Tariq
Karim, Terrorism: Addressing Its Root Causes. Howard Zinn,
Operation Enduring War. Susan Sontag, How Grief Turned into Humbug.
Fareed Zakaria, How We Can Prevail. Jane Bryant Quinn. The Price of
Our Addiction. Truman Capote, Out There. Luis Alberto Urrea, Border
Story. Carl T. Rowan, Unforgettable Miss Bessie. Blending the
Modes. (New) Paul M. Barrett, American Islam. Writing Beyond the
Classroom. (New) Hard Rock Café Ad. Responding to Images.
Description Checklist. Companion Website: Description.
19. Narration: Relating Events.
What Is Narration? The Rhetorical Patterns of Inquiry. The Writer's
Purpose and Role. Focus. Chronology. Writing Narration. Student
Paper: "Spare Change". Suggested Topics for Writing Narration.
General Assignments. Build Your Own Occasion for Writing. Writing
in Context. Strategies for Reading Narration. Samuel Scudder, Take
This Fish and Look at It (annotated). Ramón "Tianguis" Pérez, The
Fender-Bender. (New) Joseph C. Phillips, Roots, Rhythm, and Rocks.
James Dillard, A Doctor's Dilemma. E-Reading: The Healthcare
Crisis. Katherine Baicker and Amitabh Chandra, Defensive Medicine
and Disappearing Doctors? Leo Boyle, The Truth About Medical
Malpractice. David R. Francis, Why the Healthcare Crisis Won't Go
Away. Health & Medicine Week, Auto Manufacturers Say U.S. Must
Solve Healthcare Crisis. Dan Frosch, Your Money or Your Life: When
Getting Sick Means Going Broke. Linda Stern, Money: Grown Up and
Uninsured. Jane Bryant Quinn, Our 'Kindness De?cit' of Care: We
Ration Health Care, Harshly, By Income and Price. Milton Friedman,
How to Cure Health Care. Jane Orient. Fractured Healthcare:
Americans are Told That We Need "Universal Healthcare", but That
Would Be Disastrous. K. J. Lee. A Solution for America's Healthcare
Crisis. Blending the Modes. George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant.
Writing Beyond the Classroom. Walter Lord, The Reconstructed
Logbook of the Titanic. Responding to Images. Narration Checklist.
Companion Website: Narration.
20. Example: Presenting Illustrations.
What Is Example? The Rhetorical Patterns of Inquiry. Purpose: To
Inform or Persuade. Extended Examples. Enumerated Examples.
Hypothetical Examples. Factual Examples. Writing Example. Student
Paper: "Guerrilla Entrepreneur". Suggested Topics for Writing
Example. General Assignments. Build Your Own Occasion for Writing.
Writing in Context. Strategies for Reading Example. Anna Quindlen,
Homeless (annotated). Joe Rodriguez, Mexicans Deserve Better Than
La Mordida. José Antonio Burciaga, My Ecumenical Father. E-Reading:
Fatherhood. Patricia Fry, Fathers in America-Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow. David Popenoe, A World Without Fathers. Jane Eisner,
Where Are the Fathers? Martin Davis, Turning the Hearts of Deadbeat
Dads. Judith Davidoff, The Fatherhood Industry. Stephen
Baskerville, Is There Really a Fatherhood Crisis? Quassan T.
Castro, My Father, No Show. Israel Maldonado, I'm Not a Deadbeat
Dad. Adrienne P. Samuels. The New Black Father. Rickie Windle, Dad
Deeper Than Genetics. Blending the Modes. Tony Brown, Death of a
Dream. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Covenant House, Covenant House
Needs Your Help. Responding to Images. Example Checklist. Companion
Website: Example.
21. Definition: Establishing Meaning.
What Is De?nition? The Rhetorical Patterns of Inquiry. The Purpose
of De?nition. Methods of De?nition. Writing De?nition. Student
Paper: "Disneyland Dads." Suggested Topics for Writing De?nition.
General Assignments. Build Your Own Occasion for Writing. Writing
in Context. Strategies for Reading De?nition. Eileen Simpson,
Dyslexia. Janice Castro, with Dan Cook and Cristina Garcia,
Spanglish. (New) Thomas Sowell, Needs. Blending the Modes. Marie
Winn, TV Addiction. E-Reading: Overcoming TV Addiction. Video Age
International, Television Anonymous (Glued to the Tube: The Threat
of Television Addiction to Today's Family). John Taylor Gatto, Swap
Virtual Lives for Real Ones. Dimitri Christakis, Television
Watching and Shortened Attention Spans. Franklin T. Thompson and
William P. Austin, Television Viewing and Academic Achievement
Revisited. Kirsetin Karamarkovich Morello, Think Outside the Box:
How to Turn Off the TV and Take Back Your Family Life. Ann Vorisek
White, Breaking Out of the Box. Turn Off TV. Turn On Life.
Television Week. Guest Commentary: Who's Teaching Our Children? The
Tube T. L. Stanley. Babes in Bandland. Writing Beyond the
Classroom. Don Rosenberg, What Is Depression? Responding to Images.
De?nition Checklist. Companion Website: De?nition.
22. Comparison and Contrast: Indicating Similarities and
What Is Comparison and Contrast? The Rhetorical Patterns of
Inquiry. The Purposes of Comparison and Contrast. Selecting Topics
for Comparison-and-Contrast Papers. Organizing
Comparison-and-Contrast Papers. Subject by Subject. Point by Point.
Blending the Methods. Writing Comparison and Contrast. Strategies:
"Parallel States: Israel and Ireland". Suggested Topics for Writing
Comparison and Contrast. General Assignments. Build Your Own
Occasion for Writing. Writing in Context. Strategies for Reading
Comparison and Contrast. Yi-Fu Tuan, Chinese Space, American Space
(annotated). Bruce Catton, Grant and Lee. Rachel Carson, A Fable
for Tomorrow. (New) Blending the Modes. Bharati Mukherjee, Two Ways
to Belong to America. E-Reading: Immigration. Mario Cuomo, The
American Dream and the Politics of Inclusion: Our Society Must
Resist Those Who Would Close Our Doors to Future Immigrants. Robert
J. Bresler, Immigration: The Sleeping Time Bomb. Christopher Gray,
Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster.
Robert Samuelson, The Hard Truth of Immigration: No Society Has a
Boundless Capacity to Accept Newcomers, Especially When Many of
Them Are Poor and Unskilled Workers. Peter Duignan, Do Immigrants
Bene?t America? Stanley Crouch, Just Say No for a While to
Immigration. August Gribbin, Flow of Illegals "Inevitable": A
Mexican Agency Predicts That the Mexican-born U.S. Population Will
at Least Double, up to 18 Million, by the Year 2030. Charlie
Leduff, Los Angeles County Weighs Cost of Illegal Immigration.
Steven Camarota, Our New Immigration Predicament. Chi-an Chang. Can
Business Solve the Immigration Mess? Writing Beyond the Classroom.
Peggy Kenna and Sondra Lacy, Communication Styles: United States
and Taiwan. Responding to Images. Comparison and Contrast
Checklist. Companion Website: Comparison and Contrast.
23. Process: Explaining How Things Work and Giving Directions.
What Is Process? The Rhetorical Patterns of Inquiry. Explaining How
Things Work. Writing Explanations. Giving Directions. Writing
Directions. Student Paper: "Securing Your Home". Suggested Topics
for Writing Process. General Assignments. Build Your Own Occasion
for Writing. Writing in Context. Strategies for Reading Process.
Mortimer Adler, How to Mark a Book (annotated). Armond D. Budish,
Fender-Benders: Do's and Don'ts. Marvin Harris, How Our Skins Got
Their Color. Davidyne Mayleas, How to Land the Job You Want.
E-Reading: The Job Market. Pamela M. McBride, Self-Assessment:
Knowing Yourself and What You Want to Do. Careers and Colleges, 10
Job-Hunting Mistakes and How Not to Make Them. Dan Rafter. If You
Rely Solely on Internet for Job Search, You May Get Lost in
Cyberspace. United Press International, Top 20 Mistakes in Writing
Résumés. Patient Care Management, Top Questions Asked at Job
Interviews. The New York Times, More Jobs, Worse Work. Jyoti
Thottam, Where the Good Jobs Are Going. Jerry J. Jasinowski,
Manufacturing Is in Crisis. Sean Gregory, Five Jobs for Our Shores:
Afraid of Outsourcing? Here Are Some Growing Fields That Won't Be
Farmed Out to Overseas Workers. Lou Dobbs, Disorganized Labor.
InfoWorld, Off The Record: The Myth of Job Security. The Economist
(US), The Conundrum of the Glass Ceiling. Blending the Modes.
Malcolm X, My First Conk. Writing Beyond the Classroom. How to
Lease a Car with the Option to Buy. Responding to Images. Process
Checklist. Companion Website: Process.
24. Division and Classification: Separating Into Parts and Rating
What Are Division and Classi?cation? The Rhetorical Patterns of
Inquiry. Division. Writing Division. Classi?cation. Writing
Classi?cation. Student Paper: "Hispanics on Campus". Suggested
Topics for Writing Division and Classi?cation. General Assignments.
Build Your Own Occasion for Writing. Writing in Context. Strategies
for Reading Division and Classi?cation. (New) Judith Viorst,
Friends, Good Friends - and Such Good Friends. (New) James Austin,
Four Kinds of Chance. Stephanie Ericsson, The Ways We Lie.
E-Reading: Ethics. Stephen Goode, A Historian Who Lies About His
Own Past. Jet, Are Lies More Believable Than the Truth? Peter H.
Schuck, Free to Lie. Reilly Dowd, The Great Pretender: How a Writer
Fooled His Readers. Jean-Paul Louisot, The Implications of "Could
I?" Jeffrey Kluger, Pumping Up Your Past. Paul Johnson, Lies,
Damned Lies, Government Statements and What You Read in the Papers.
Lisa Snell, How Schools Cheat. Nahal Toosi, Internet Gives Rise to
Bold New Era in College-Student Cheating. Patrick McCormick,
Cheaters Never Win: Cheating Has Taken Hold of Our Culture, and
We're All the Worse for It. eWeek. Bloggers Can't Ignore Basic
Journalism Ethics. Blending the Modes. Martin Luther King Jr., Ways
of Meeting Oppression. Writing Beyond the Classroom. Motion Picture
Association of America, Parents: Stay Ahead of the Curve!
Responding to Images. Division and Classi?cation Checklist.
Companion Website: Division and Classi?cation.
25. Cause and Effect: Determining Reasons and Measuring
What Is Cause and Effect? The Rhetorical Patterns of Inquiry.
Determining Causes. Measuring and Predicting Results. Writing Cause
and Effect. Student Paper: "Why Do They Hate Us?" Suggested Topics
For Writing Cause And Effect. General Assignments. Build Your Own
Occasion for Writing. Writing in Context. Strategies for Reading
Cause and Effect. John Brooks, The Effects of the Telephone
(annotated). (New) Diana Bletter, I Refuse to Live in Fear. John
Taylor Gatto, Why Schools Don't Educate. E-Reading: Public Schools.
Gregory Shafer, What's Literacy Got To Do With It? Mike Kennedy,
Charter Schools: Threat or Boon to Public Schools? Jonathan Kozol,
Malign Neglect. Blake Hurst, End of an Illusion. Gregory Kent,
Celebrating Mediocrity? How Schools Shortchange Gifted Students.
Lisa Snell, Special Education Con?dential: How Schools Use the
"Learning Disability" Label to Cover Up Their Failures. Joe Klein,
How the Teachers Killed the Dream. Jodie Morse, Learning While
Black. Damon Moore, Hold Us to Higher Standards. Larry Cuban. Why
Schools Can't Be Like Businesses? Brent Staples, Black Men and
Public Space. An African American examines the effects he causes
simply by walking down a public street. Blending the Modes.
Benjamin Radford, How Television Distorts Reality. Writing Beyond
the Classroom. Thomas Jefferson et-al., The Declaration of
Independence. Responding to Images. Cause-and-Effect Checklist.
Companion Website: Cause and Effect.
26. Argument and Persuasion: Influencing Readers.
What Is Argument and Persuasion? The Rhetorical Patterns of
Inquiry. Persuasive Appeals. Blending Appeals. Understanding Logic.
Deduction. Induction. Persuasion and Audience. Appealing to Hostile
Readers. Writing Argument and Persuasion. Student Paper: "Why a
Black Student Union?" Suggested Topics for Writing Argument and
Persuasion. General Assignments. Build Your Own Occasion for
Writing. Writing in Context. Strategies for Reading Argument and
Persuasion. Blending the Modes. (New) Mary Sherry, In Praise of the
F word. Opposing Viewpoints: Ethnic Identity. (New) Armstrong
Williams, Hyphenated Americans. (New) Julianne Malveaux, Still
Hyphenated Americans. Opposing Viewpoints: Capital Punishment.
(New) Ed Koch, Death and Justice: How the Capital Punishment
Affirms Life. (New) Lance Morrow, Why I Changed My Mind About the
Death Penalty. E-Reading: The Criminal Justice System. Anna
Quindlen, Lights, Camera, Justice for All. Felicity Barringer,
Lawyers Are Divided on Cameras in the Courtroom. Leonard Post,
Citing Low Pay, Lawyers Refuse Indigent Cases. Elizabeth Palmberg,
Seeing Green: Why the Penal System Isn't Colorblind. Martin L.
Haines, Psst, Jurors: You Have the Power to Nullify. Paul Butler,
Black Jurors: Right to Acquit? National Catholic Reporter, Flawed
Prison System Hurts Us All. Bob Herbert, Trapped in the System.
Adam Liptak, You Think DNA Evidence Is Foolproof? Try Again. Thomas
N. Faust, Shift the Responsibility of Untreated Mental Illness Out
of the Criminal Justice System. David Rose. Locked Up to Make Us
Feel Better. (New) Opposing Viewpoints: Granting Legal Status to
Illegal Immigrants. George Bush, Illegal Immigrant Workers Should
be Granted Legal Status. William F. Jasper, Illegal Immigrants
Should Not be Granted Legal Status. Writing Beyond the Classroom.
America's Second Harvest, Childhood Hunger in the United States.
Responding to Images. Argument and Persuasion Checklist. Companion
Website: Argument and Persuasion.
27. The Essay Examination.
What Are Essay Exams? The Purpose of Essay Examinations. Strategies
for Studying for Essay Examinations. Strategies for Writing the
Essay Examination. Sample Questions and Essays. E-Sources.
Companion Website: The Essay Examination.
28. Writing About Literature.
What Is Literature? Major Literary Terms. Strategies for Reading
Literature. Questions for Literary Analysis. Strategies for Writing
about Literature. Writing about Fiction: Wolfgang Borchert, The
Bread. Student Essay: "Denial." Writing about Poetry: Strategies
for Writing about Poetry. Edwin Arlington Robinson, Richard Cory.
Student Paper: "One Calm Summer Night". Writing about Drama.
Strategies for Writing about Drama. Literary Paper Checklist.
E-Sources. Companion Website: Writing About Literature.
29. Conducting Research.
What Is Research? Common Misconceptions. Conducting Research: An
Overview. Understand the Scope of the Assignment. Select an
Appropriate Topic. Strategies for Selecting a Topic. Conduct
Preliminary Research. Strategies for Conducting Preliminary
Research. E-Research Activity. Limit the Topic and Develop a
Working Thesis. Create a Timeline. Collect and Evaluate Relevant
Evidence. Selecting and Evaluating Sources. Strategies for
Selecting and Evaluating Sources. Evaluating Internet Sources
Checklist. Strategies for Overcoming Problems with Research. Taking
Notes. Primary Research. Conducting Interviews. Conducting Surveys.
Locating and Evaluating Visuals. Strategies for Locating and
Evaluating Visuals. Research Checklist. E-Sources. Companion
Website: Conducting Research.
30. Writing the Research Paper.
What Is a Research Paper? Re?ne Your Thesis and Develop an Outline.
Strategies for Developing an Outline. Writing the Research Paper.
Strategies for Using Sources. Guidelines for Using Direct
Quotations. Strategies for Citing Sources. Exceptions to Citing
Sources. Strategies for Revising and Editing Research Papers.
Documentation Styles. The MLA Style. Strategies for Writing
Parenthetical Notes. Strategies for Writing a Works Cited Page.
Guidelines for Listing Sources in Works Cited and Parenthetical
Notes. Books. Periodicals. Other Print Sources. Nonprint Sources.
Electronic Sources. Visuals. Sample Research Paper Using MLA Style.
The APA Style. Strategies for Writing Parenthetical Notes.
Strategies for Writing a References Page. Guidelines for Listing
Sources in References and Parenthetical Notes. Books. Periodicals.
Other Print Sources. Nonprint Sources. Electronic Sources. Visuals.
Sample Research Paper using APA Style. Research Paper Checklist.
E-Sources. Companion Website: The Research Paper.
31. Grammar.
What Is Grammar? Parts of Speech. Nouns. Pronouns. Adjectives.
Verbs. Adverbs. Articles. Prepositions. Conjunctions.
Interjections. Understanding Parts of Speech. Strategies for
Determining Parts of Speech. Phrases and Clauses. Phrases. Clauses.
Sentences. Common Sentence Patterns. Types of Sentences. Other Ways
of Looking at Sentences. Grammar Review. Companion Website:
32. The Handbook.
Strategies for Using the Handbook. Contents. Sentence Problems.
Fragments. Strategies for Detecting and Revising Fragments. Run-on
Sentences and Comma Splices. Strategies for Detecting and Revising
Run-ons and Comma Splices. Faulty Parallelism. Strategies for
Detecting and Revising Faulty Parallelism. Strategies for Revising
Sentence Problems. Companion Website: Sentence Structure.
Agreement. Subject-Verb Agreement. Strategies for Overcoming
Problems with Subject-Verb Agreement. Pronoun Agreement. Strategies
for Avoiding Sexism in Pronoun Use. Companion Website: Agreement.
Verbs. Irregular Verbs. Verb Tense. Strategies for Using Verb
Tenses. Companion Website: Verbs. Pronouns. Pronoun Reference.
Strategies for Using Pronouns. Pronoun Case. Strategies for Using
Proper Case. Companion Website: Pronouns. Dangling and Misplaced
Modi?ers. Dangling Modi?ers. Strategies to Detect Dangling
Modi?ers. Misplaced Modi?ers. Companion Website: Modi?ers.
Adjectives and Adverbs. Strategies for Using Adjectives and
Adverbs. Companion Website: Adjectives and Adverbs. Punctuation.
Comma. Strategies for Eliminating Unnecessary Commas. Companion
Website: Commas. Semicolon. Companion Website: Semicolons. Colon.
Quotation Marks. Companion Website: Quotation Marks. Apostrophe.
Companion Website: Apostrophes. Ellipsis. Parentheses. Brackets.
Hyphen. Dash. Slash. Question Mark. Exclamation Point. Period.
Mechanics. Capitalization. Companion Website: Capitalization.
Underlining and Italics. Abbreviations. Numbers. Spelling.
Strategies for Improving Spelling. Companion Website: Spelling.
Appendix. Commonly Confused Words. Commonly Misspelled Words. Essay
Topics. Credits. Index."
Mark Connelly teaches at Milwaukee Area Technical College. He is the author of several books including THE SUNDANCE READER, THE SUNDANCE WRITER, and the developmental series GET WRITING.
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