Volume I: Definition, Conception, and Development
Contributors 000
Preface 000
Part I History, Definition, and Diagnostic Issues 1
1 Aggression and Violence: Definitions and Distinctions 3
Johnie J. Allen and Craig A. Anderson
2 Cultural
Norms and Definitions of Violence 000
Kirby Deater-Deckard and Jennifer E. Lansford
3 Legal
Definitions of Violence and Aggression 000
Cody N. Charette and Eric W. Hickey
4 The Development of Aggression From Early Childhood to Adulthood 000
Richard E. Tremblay, Sylvana M. Côté, Julie Salla, and Gregory Michel
5 Gender Differences in Violence and Aggression 000
Lee Copping
6 Online Misogyny Targeting Feminist Activism: Anita Sarkeesian and Gamergate 000
Melinda C. R. Burgess, Felicia Byars, Leila Sadeghi-Azar, and Karen E. Dill-Shackleford
7 Cross-Cultural Differences in Aggression 000
Douglas P. Fry
8 Violence in the Family 000
Donald G. Dutton, Katherine R. White, and Christie Tetreault
9 Mass Killing 000
Charles R. Butcher, Charles H. Anderton, and JurgenBrauer
10 Psychiatric Diagnosis and Violence: Description and Mechanisms 000
Mark R. Serper and Yosef Sokol
11 Psychopathy, Violence, and Aggression 000
Dennis E. Reidy and Megan C. Kearns
12 Introduction to Sexual Violence 000
Ibitola O. Asaolu and Mary P. Koss
13 Hate Crime 000
Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld
14 Violence and Moral Philosophy 000
Bob Brecher
Part II Biology 000
15 The Evolution of Human Violence and Aggression: The Contribution of Peace Ethology 000
Peter Verbeek
16 Genetics of Aggression in Nonhuman Animals 000
Anna V. Kukekova
17 Psychophysiology of Violence and Aggression 000
Jonathan C. Waldron and Angela Scarpa
18 Neuroanatomy of Violence and Aggression 000
Yaling Yang
19 The Role of Neurotransmitters in Violence and Aggression 000
Klaus A. Miczek, Joseph F. DeBold, Kyle Gobrogge, Emily L. Newman, and Rosa M. M. de Almeida
20 Testosterone and Human Aggression 000
Justin M. Carré, Erika L. Ruddick, Benjamin J. P. Moreau, and Brian M. Bird
21 Animal Models of Aggression and Violence 000
Sietse F. de Boer and Jaap M. Koolhaas
22 Interplay Between Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Development of Aggressive–Antisocial Behavior During Childhood and Adolescence 000
Frank Vitaro, Mara Brendgen, and Richard E. Tremblay
Part III Theoretical Accounts 000
23 Developmental Pathways to Aggression and Violence 000
Sheryl L. Olson and Ka I. Ip
24 Masculinities, Aggression, and Violence 000
Walter S. DeKeseredy
25 Protective Factors Against Crime and Violence in Adolescence 000
Friedrich Lösel and Doris Bender
26 Cognitive–Behavioral Factors and Anger in the Occurrence of Aggression and Violence 000
Raymond W. Novaco
27 The Developmental of Aggression and Violence Over the Life Span 000
Jeffrey D. Burke
28 Addressing Children’s Disruptive Behavior Problems: A 30-Year Journey With Stop Now And Plan (SNAP) 000
Leena K. Augimeri, Debra Pepler, Margaret Walsh, and Michelle Kivlenieks
29 Does Alcohol Cause Violence and Aggression? 000
Whitney Brown and Kenneth E. Leonard
30 Do Drugs Cause Violence? 000
Kisha M. Radliff, Kathryn L. Zeanah, and Joe E. Wheaton
31 Does Poverty Cause Violence? 000
Vania Ceccato
32 Do Group Processes Cause Violence and Aggression? 000
Sabine Otten
33 Displaced Aggression is Alive and Well 000
William C. Pedersen, Jennifer Ellison, and Norman Miller
34 Media, Violence, Aggression, and Antisocial Behavior: Is the Link Causal? 000
Courtney Plante and Craig A. Anderson
35 Humor and Violence 000
Charles S. Gulas, Marc G. Weinberger, and Kunal Swani
36 Is the Link Between Games and Aggression More About the Player, Less About the Game? 000
Christopher J. Ferguson, Nicholas David Bowman, and Rachel Kowert
37 The General Aggression Model and Its Application to Violent Offender Assessment and Treatment 000
Flora Gilbert, Michael Daffern, and Craig A. Anderson
38 On Automatic As Well As Controlled Psychological Processes in Aggression, From the Cognitive Neoassociation Perspective 000
Leonard Berkowitz
39 Social Learning Theory and the Development of Aggression 000
Jackson A. Goodnight, Sarah A. Wilhoit, and Angela Receveur
40 Frustration–Aggression Theory 000
Johannes Breuer and Malte Elson
41 Behavioral Explanations of Aggression and Violence 000
Michael M. Mueller and AjamuNkosi
42 Psychoanalytic Concepts of Violence and Aggression 000
Svenja Taubner, Sven Rabung, Anthony Bateman, and Peter Fonagy
43 Social–Psychological Explanations of Aggression and Violence 000
Barbara Krahé
44 Violence and Aggression in Socially Disorganized Neighborhoods 000
Renee Zahnow and Rebecca Wickes
45 Race and Gender Stereotypes and Violence and Aggression 000
Melinda C. R. Burgess
46 Forgetting Everything We Think We Know: High Self-Esteem and Violence 000
Joseph M. Boden
47 Strain Theory, Violence, and Aggression 000
Lee Ann Slocum and Robert Agnew
48 Theories of Political Violence 000
Ekkart Zimmermann
Volume II: Assessment, Prevention and Treatment of Individuals Contributors 000
Preface 000
Part IV Assessment of Individuals 000
49 Principles and Foundations of Psychological Assessment 000
Jane E. Fisher, William O’Donohue, and Stephen N. Haynes
50 Dyadic Conceptualization, Measurement, and Analysis of Family Violence 000
Lindsey M. Rodriguez and Murray A. Straus
51 Assessment of Callous and Related Traits 000
Eva R. Kimonis and Natalie Goulter
52 Physiological Measurement and Assessment 000
Christopher J. Patrick and Sarah J. Brislin
53 Systematic Screening for Challenging Behaviors in Tiered Support Systems 000
Jeffrey Sprague and Kathleen Lynne Lane
54 Psychiatric Assessment of Violence 000
John S. Rozel, Abhishek Jain, Edward P. Mulvey, and Loren H. Roth
55 Psychoanalytic Assessment of Violence 000
Jessica Yakeley
56 Psychopathy and Violence 000
Colleen M. Lillard, Jennifer C. Johnson, and Michael J. Vitacco
57 Risk Assessment, Violence, and Aggression 000
Catherine S. Shaffer, Adam J. E. Blanchard, and Kevin S. Douglas
58 Violence in Individuals With Major Psychiatric Disorders: Its Prediction and Treatment in Light of Heterogeneous Pathways to Violence 000
Menahem I. Krakowski
Part V Individual Interventions for Prevention 000
59 Preschool Life Skills: Toward Teaching Prosocial Skills and Preventing Aggression in Young Children 000
Kevin C. Luczynski and Tara A. Fahmie
60 Teaching Gun Safety Skills to Children 000
Raymond G.Miltenberger, Diego Valbuena, and Sindy Sanchez
Part VI Individual Treatment: Therapies 000
61 Evidence- Based Practice and Children and Adolescents: What Works? What Works Best? 000
Tia Navelene Barnes, Kristen Merrill O’Brien, Michelle M. Cumming, Donna Spencer Pitts, and Stephen W. Smith
62 Evidence-Based Practice and Adults: What Works? What Works Best? 000
James McGuire
63 Applied Behavior Analysis and Treatment of Violence and Aggression 000
James K. Luiselli and Joseph N. Ricciardi
64 Anger Management 000
Graham Glancy, Stefan Treffers, and Michael Saini
65 Mindfulness and the Treatment of Aggression and Violence 000
Nirbhay N. Singh, Giulio E.Lancioni, and Alan S. W. Winton
66 Third Wave Therapies and the Treatment of Violence and Aggression 000
Amie Zarling and Ashley Taylor
67 Parent Training and the Treatment of Violence and Aggression 000
Linda Anne Valle and Jennifer W. Kaminski
68 Training Staff to Manage Violence and Aggression 000
Richard Whittington and Owen Price
69 Psychodynamic Treatment of Violence and Aggression: Empirical Evidence and New Approaches 000
Svenja Taubner, Peter Fonagy, Anthony Bateman, and Sven Rabung
70 Multisystemic Therapy for Violent and Aggressive Youths 000
Charles M. Borduin, Alex R. Dopp, Lauren B. Quetsch, and Benjamin D. Johnides
71 Pharmacological Management of Aggressive Behavior in Psychiatric Patients 000
Laurette E. Goedhard and Eibert R. Heerdink
72 Psychopharmacological Approaches to Aggression and Violence in Adults With Severe Mental Illness: What Works? What Works Best? 000
Leslie Citrome and Jan Volavka
73 The Fast Track Project: Effects on Violence and Aggression and Related Outcomes 000 Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group
74 Interventions Targeting Alcohol, Violence, and HIV: Current Evidence and Future Directions 000
Lori A. J. Scott-Sheldon, Theresa E. Senn, and Tyler S. Kaiser
Part VII Individual Treatment: Special Populations 000
75 Treatment of Parent–Child Violence 000
Rebecca F. Wilson, Beverly L. Fortson, and Mark Chaffin
76 Interventions for Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence 000
Carla Smith Stover and Melissa Barongi
77 Intervention for Violence and Aggression in Gay and Lesbian Relationships 000
Barbara A. Winstead, Robin J. Lewis, Michelle L. Kelley, Tyler B. Mason, Holly N. Fitzgerald, and Denise Calhoun
78 Treating Anger and Aggression in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 000
Leslie A. Morland, Karen Kloezeman, Abigail C. Angkaw, Allison R. Love, and Margaret-Anne Mackintosh
79 Anger and People Who Have Intellectual and Development Disabilities 000
Nigel Beail
80 Treatment of Anger and Aggression Following Acquired Brain Injury 000
Tessa Hart, Jesse R. Fann, Jo Ann Brockway, and Roland D. Maiuro
Part VIII Individual Forensic Treatment 000
81 Evidence-Based Practice and Violent Offenders 000
Emma J. Palmer
82 Beyond Aggression Replacement Training: Cognitive–Behavioral Programs for Dutch (Sexually) Violent Forensic Psychiatric Inpatients 000
Ruud H. J. Hornsveld, Floris W. Kraaimaat, Almar J. Zwets, and Thijs Kanters
83 Forensic Case Formulation for Violence and Aggression 000
Caroline Logan
84 Youth in Forensic Services: Evidence-Based Treatment of Violence and Aggression 000
Delbert S. Elliott
85 Treatment of Violence and Aggression in Offenders With Developmental Disabilities 000
Peter E. Langdon and Glynis H. Murphy
86 Treatment of the Psychopathic Personality 000
Jacqueline Howe, Charity Wijetunga, Alicia Nijdam-Jones, and Barry Rosenfeld
87 Violence Reduction Treatment of Psychopathy 000
Stephen C. P. Wong, Keira C. Stockdale, and Mark E. Olver
88 Prevention of Recidivism and Violent and Aggressive Offenders 000
Devon L. L. Polaschek
Volume III: Societal Interventions
Contributors 000
Preface 000
Part IX Violence and Families 000
89 Family Violence 000
Dan O’Leary, Katie Lee Salis, and Sarah Bannon
90 Prevention of Aggression and Violence in Families 000
Christopher M. Murphy, Julian Farzan-Kashani, Adam D. LaMotte, Haley Miles-McLean, and Ana Maldonado
91 Treatment of Batterers: What Works? 000
Nicholas A. Armenti, Susan Iyican, Johannah M. Sommer, and Julia C. Babcock
92 Promoting Resilience in Members of Violent Families 000
Kathryn H. Howell, Laura E. Schwartz, and Sarah E. Barnes
93 The Role of Police in Domestic Violence 000
Eric L. Nelson
Part X School-Wide Interventions 000
94 Promoting Positive Youth Development and Preventing Violence and Aggression: Connecting Individual and Ecological Developmental Assets 000
Robey B. Champine
95 Prevention of Violence, Aggression, and Bullying in Schools 000
Ronald O. Pitner, Hadass Moore, Gordon Capp, Ron Avi Astor, and Rami Benbenishty
96 Promoting School-Wide Social Skills 000
George Sugai, Brandi Simonsen, Tamika La Salle, and Jennifer Freeman
97 School-Wide Interventions for Bullying: What Works? 000
Peter K. Smith
98 Early Intervention and Prevention of Aggressive and Violent Behavior Through School-Wide Systems of Positive Behavior Support 000
Barbara S. Mitchell, Allison L. Bruhn, Sara C. McDaniel, and Timothy J. Lewis,
99 Cyberbullying in Schools 000
Robin M. Kowalski and Megan E. Morgan
100 Predicting and Reducing Aggression and Violence Toward Teachers: Extent of the Problem and Why It Matters 000
Susan D. McMahon, Andrew Martinez, Linda A. Reddy, Dorothy L. Espelage, and Eric M. Anderman
Part XI Gang Violence 000
101 Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Pathways to Gang Violence 000
Dena C. Carson and Finn-Aage Esbensen
102 Gang Violence in Latin America 000
Lucía Dammert
103 Strategies for Preventing Gang Violence: A Century of Evolving Programming and Research 000
Samantha M. Henderson and M. Murat Ozer
104 Youth Activism as Violence Prevention 000
Roberto R. Aspholm and Mark A. Mattaini
Part XII Residential Settings 000
105 Physical Abuse of People With Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities in Residential Care 000
Emily M. Lund, Christian V. Sabey, Katie B. Thomas, and Lauren M. Bouchard
106 Violence and Aggression Against Older Adults: What Works? What Works Best? 000
David Burnes, Rebecca Zhao, and Karl Pillemer
Part XIII Bullying at Work 000
107 Bullying at Work: Personal Relationships and Undermined Social Support—A Creative Writing Case Study 000
Margaret H.Vickers
108 Prevalence and Risk Factors For Workplace Bullying 000
Annie Hogh, Eva Gemzøe Mikkelsen, and Paul Maurice Conway
109 Prevention of Bullying at Work 000
Andrea Chambers and Peter D. Donnelly
Part XIV Sports and Violence 000
110 Violence in Football (Soccer): Overview, Prevalence and Risk Factors 000
Joel Rookwood and Ramón Spaaij
111 Prevention of Football Hooliganism: A Review of the Evidence 000
Panu Poutvaara and Mikael Priks
112 Hotspotting and Football Violence: Current Statistics and Implications for Prevention 000
Justin Kurland, Shane D. Johnson, and Nick Tilley
Part XV Youth Facililites 000
113 Youth Facilities and Violence: An Overview 000
Offer Egozy and Alexandra Cox
114 Promoting Positive Youth Development in Community-Wide Efforts as an Approach to Preventing and Reducing Violence 000
Allison B. Dymnicki, David M. Osher, and Marc Zimmerman
115 Creating and Sustaining Safe Environments in Juvenile Corrections 000
Peter E. Leone, Susan Lockwood, and Joseph C. Gagnon
116 What Works in Residential Programs for Aggressive and Violent Youth? 000
Geert Jan Stams and Peer van der Helm
117 Reforming Youth Facilities 000
Barry A. Krisberg
Part XVI The Police 000
118 Evidence-Based Policing: Does it Reduce Violence? 000
Cody W. Telep
119 Police Violence: The Case of Indigenous Australians 000
Chris Cunneen
120 Reducing Violence and Aggression in Police Officers 000
Christopher J. Harris
Part XVII Societal and National Interventions 000
121 Does Modifying Media Reduce Aggression and Violence? Implementation Science and Community-Wide Media Interventions 000
Heidi Brummert Lennings and Robert P. Franks
122 Involving Community in Sexual Violence Prevention: Engaging Bystanders 000
Victoria Banyard, Katie M. Edwards, and Wendi L. Siebold
123 Mobilizing Canada to Promote Healthy Relationships and Prevent Bullying Among Children and Youth 000
Debra Pepler, Wendy M. Craig, Joanne Cummings, Kelly Petrunka, and Stacey Garwood
124 The KiVa Antibullying Program: Lessons Learned and Future Directions 000
Sanna Herkama, Silja Saarento, and Christina Salmivalli
125 Coping With Bullying, and Promoting Well-Being and Positive Peer Relations 000
Phillip T. Slee, Grace Skrzypiec, Carmel Cefai, and Francis Fabri
Index 000
Peter Sturmey is Professor of Psychology at Queens College and the Graduate Center, City College of New York and a visiting professor at The Department of Dentistry, University College London.
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